The software architecture of a project is a critical component that determines the scalability, maintainability, and extensibility of the system. A well-designed architecture is essential for managing the complexity of modern software systems, especially for projects with complex business logic. This template provides guidance for designing a robust and scalable software architecture for such projects. "Generated by ChatGPT"
- Serverless (NodeJS)
- DynamoDB
- Turborepo
- Esbuild
- Dependency Injection
&Docker Compose
from docker.comNodeJS
from - v16- Containers, not instalation required
- DynamoDB from
Install Dependencies
# Install package manager
$ npm install -g pnpm
# Install Dependencies
$ pnpm install
Start Application
# Start local dependencies (DynamoDB)
$ docker-compose up
# Start Service
$ pnpm dev
Test Local Api
# Create User (POST)
$ curl -d '{"id":"@garyascuy", "name":"Gary Ascuy"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
# Get All Users
$ curl http://localhost:3666/dev/users
# Creates a new resource called documents
$ cd services/api-v1/
$ pnpm resource:add -- --name documents
- packages
- core-functions # Core Functions Lib
- src/middleware
- src/request
- src/response
- eslint-config-custom # Eslint Config
- tsconfig # TypeScript Base Configs
- ... # Add here custom packages
- services # Applications
- api-v1 # Test Api v1
- .tools # Internal Tools/Generator Templates
- src
- config # ConfigService/Inversion of Control Config
- core # Base/Helpers for Data/Service/Controller layer
- controller.layer
- data.layer
- service.layer
- functions # Functions Implementation
- users # Users resource (it contains CRUD for users)
- documents
- ... # Other resources
- package.json # Package Config
- plopfile.js # Code Generation Config
- serverless.yml # Serverless Config
- api-v2
- ... # Add here other Apis
- users (function/folder)
- dto
- create.dto.schema.ts
- update.dto.schema.ts
- entities
- user.entity.ts
- api.configuration.ts
- controller.ts
- users.repository.ts
- users.service.ts
- users.yml
contains all data transfer objects, also these models are used to configure and validate data in function.entities
contains data modelsapi.configuration.ts
define limits on Api,data.layer/base.repository.ts
allows some kind of queries and it define limits like filters, allow fields for projection, etc.controller.ts
define handlers for CRUD, Note: if you want to reduce the size of bundle you can split into files (file by function). this layer only resolve all related with transport like http.users.repository.ts
data access layer, it has basic set of operation to work with table/collection, you can add more custom operation according to your requirements but try to keep those generics.users.service.ts
business logic layer, it contains all the validations and high level operations, make sure to have all the system logic here.users.yml
serverless functions configuration.
- Implement projection/pagination/filtering support in