Simple API and command line tool to retrieve the result of SPARQL queries from a Sesame repository.
The tool can be used to retrieve large result sets without overwhelming the server by retrieving small batches of data (see option -b below) and allows to increase the maxmimum query timeout for queries over a large repository.
- clone the repository and change into the directory
- run
mvn package
This creates a single jar in ./target
which contains all the dependencies.
Run the command:
./bin/ -u <SPARQL-endpoing-URL> -i <QUERY> [OTHEROPTIONS]
The result rows are written to standard output.
To get usage information:
./bin/ -h
This outputs:
usage: ./bin/ [options]
-b <arg> Batchsize for queries, default: retrieve all at once
-ee <arg> error on invalid strings: true or false, default=false
-h Show help information
-i <arg> Query input file (required)
-ii <arg> include inferred: true or false, default=true
-mt <arg> maximum query time in seconds, default=3600
-ph <arg> print headers: true or false, default=false
-u <arg> endpoint URL (required)
Query DBPedia and get the URI and English language film title of films starring Charlie Chaplin:
Query file examples/example2.sparql
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX res: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?string
?uri rdf:type dbo:Film .
?uri dbo:starring res:Charlie_Chaplin .
OPTIONAL {?uri rdfs:label ?string . FILTER (lang(?string) = 'en') }
Run the command to retrieve the result, write to file chaplin_films.tsv
with column headers:
./bin/ -ph true -u -i examples/example2.sparql > chaplin_films.tsv