This project leverages ROS 2 (Humble), Slam Toolbox, and Nav2 for autonomous navigation of an AGV.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Slam Toolbox:
- Nav2 Toolbox:
- ROS 2 Humble:
Install Dependencies Make sure all required dependencies are installed on your system.
Configure SLAM Toolbox Update the SLAM Toolbox configuration file:
cd /opt/ros/humble/share/slam_toolbox/config/ sudo nano mapper_params_online_async.yaml
Adjust parameters as needed.
Launch the AGV Controller Run the following commands to start the AGV controller:
ros2 launch agv_launch/ ros2 launch lakibeam1
Run SLAM Program Start the SLAM program by executing the appropriate launch file.
Run Nav2 Program Launch the Nav2 navigation stack for path planning and control.