Solving Sudoku puzzles with backtracking and local search algorithms
Contributers: Gearhartlove | LordThesus
| MrVintage710
- Simple Backtracking
- Backtrackign with forward checking
- Backtracking using arc consistency
- Genetic Algorithm with a tournament and penalty function
- Simulated Annealing using a minimum conflict heuristic
9x9 grid filled with number or ? (empty space) as a .txt file
The Input for the project is stored at: AI-Sudoku-Solver/AI-Sudoku-Solver/puzzles
There are a total of 19 puzzle files similar to the example above. The program runs
each algorithm for each puzzle, one at a time.
(Simple Backtracking) - SOLVED (Checker) - PASSED | ms: 2 | backtracks: 44 | nodes visit: 98
(Look Forward Backtracking) - SOLVED (Checker) - PASSED | ms: 5 | backtracks: 44 | nodes visit: 98
(MAC Backtracking) - SOLVED (Checker) - PASSED | ms: 312 | backtracks: 9534 | nodes visit: 9588
(Genetic Local Search) - UNSOLVED (Checker) - FAILED |
(Constraints violated by the population)
START worst: 161 best: 123 mean: 141.48 median: 142
END worst: 56 best: 24 mean: 24.65 median: 24
(Simmulated Annealing Local Search) - UNSOLVED (Checker) - FAILED | ms: 122
Starting Puzzle Violation Score: 87 | Final Puzzle Violation Score: 22