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Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1_21' into 1_21
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# Conflicts:
#	src/main/java/net/gensokyoreimagined/nitori/mixin/needs_testing/util/block_tracking/
#	src/main/resources/mixins.core.json
  • Loading branch information
Taiyou06 committed Aug 1, 2024
2 parents ac69c62 + 1361c4b commit 610c5fb
Showing 1 changed file with 189 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
package net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.mixin.needs_testing.util.block_tracking;

//import net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.common.block.*;
//import net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.common.entity.block_tracking.ChunkSectionChangeCallback;
//import net.gensokyoreimagined.nitori.common.entity.block_tracking.SectionedBlockChangeTracker;
//import net.minecraft.core.SectionPos;
//import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.*;
//import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.At;
//import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject;
//import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfo;
//import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfoReturnable;
//import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.LocalCapture;
// * Keep track of how many blocks that meet certain criteria are in this chunk section.
// * E.g. if no over-sized blocks are there, collision code can skip a few blocks.
// *
// * @author 2No2Name
// */
//public abstract class ChunkSectionMixin implements BlockCountingSection, BlockListeningSection {
// @Shadow
// @Final
// public PalettedContainer<BlockState> states;
// @Unique
// private short[] countsByFlag = null;
// @Unique
// private ChunkSectionChangeCallback changeListener;
// @Unique
// private short listeningMask;
// @Unique
// private static void addToFlagCount(short[] countsByFlag, BlockState state, short change) {
// int flags = ((BlockStateFlagHolder) state).lithium$getAllFlags();
// int i;
// while ((i = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(flags)) < 32 && i < countsByFlag.length) {
// //either count up by one (prevFlag not set) or down by one (prevFlag set)
// countsByFlag[i] += change;
// flags &= ~(1 << i);
// }
// }
// @Override
// public boolean lithium$mayContainAny(TrackedBlockStatePredicate trackedBlockStatePredicate) {
// if (this.countsByFlag == null) {
// fastInitClientCounts();
// }
// return this.countsByFlag[trackedBlockStatePredicate.getIndex()] != (short) 0;
// }
// @Unique
// private void fastInitClientCounts() {
// this.countsByFlag = new short[BlockStateFlags.NUM_TRACKED_FLAGS];
// for (TrackedBlockStatePredicate trackedBlockStatePredicate : BlockStateFlags.TRACKED_FLAGS) {
// if (this.states.maybeHas(trackedBlockStatePredicate)) {
// //We haven't counted, so we just set the count so high that it never incorrectly reaches 0.
// //For most situations, this overestimation does not hurt client performance compared to correct counting,
// this.countsByFlag[trackedBlockStatePredicate.getIndex()] = 16 * 16 * 16;
// }
// }
// }
//// @Redirect(
//// method = "recalcBlockCounts()V",
//// at = @At(
//// value = "INVOKE",
//// target = "Lnet/minecraft/world/chunk/PalettedContainer;count(Lnet/minecraft/world/chunk/PalettedContainer$Counter;)V"
//// )
//// )
//// private void initFlagCounters(PalettedContainer<BlockState> palettedContainer, PalettedContainer.Counter<BlockState> consumer) {
//// palettedContainer.count((state, count) -> {
//// consumer.accept(state, count);
//// addToFlagCount(this.countsByFlag, state, (short) count);
//// });
//// }
// @Shadow
// short nonEmptyBlockCount;
// @Shadow
// private short tickingBlockCount;
// @Shadow
// private short tickingFluidCount;
// /**
// * @author DoggySazHi
// * @reason Replace the Paper implementation with Mojang + Lithium implementation
// */
// @Overwrite
// public void recalcBlockCounts() {
// this.countsByFlag = new short[BlockStateFlags.NUM_TRACKED_FLAGS];
// BlockStateCounter lv = new BlockStateCounter();
// this.states.count((state, count) -> {
// lv.accept(state, count);
// addToFlagCount(this.countsByFlag, state, (short) count);
// });
// this.nonEmptyBlockCount = (short)lv.nonEmptyBlockCount;
// this.tickingBlockCount = (short)lv.randomTickableBlockCount;
// this.tickingFluidCount = (short)lv.nonEmptyFluidCount;
// }
// @Inject(
// method = "read",
// at = @At(value = "HEAD")
// )
// private void resetData(FriendlyByteBuf buf, CallbackInfo ci) {
// this.countsByFlag = null;
// }
// @Inject(
// method = "setBlockState(IIILnet/minecraft/world/level/block/state/BlockState;Z)Lnet/minecraft/world/level/block/state/BlockState;",
// at = @At(
// value = "INVOKE",
// target = "Lnet/minecraft/world/level/block/state/BlockState;getFluidState()Lnet/minecraft/world/level/material/FluidState;",
// ordinal = 0,
// shift = At.Shift.BEFORE
// ),
// locals = LocalCapture.CAPTURE_FAILHARD
// )
// private void updateFlagCounters(int x, int y, int z, BlockState newState, boolean lock, CallbackInfoReturnable<BlockState> cir, BlockState oldState) {
// this.lithium$trackBlockStateChange(newState, oldState);
// }
// @Override
// public void lithium$trackBlockStateChange(BlockState newState, BlockState oldState) {
// short[] countsByFlag = this.countsByFlag;
// if (countsByFlag == null) {
// return;
// }
// int prevFlags = ((BlockStateFlagHolder) oldState).lithium$getAllFlags();
// int flags = ((BlockStateFlagHolder) newState).lithium$getAllFlags();
// int flagsXOR = prevFlags ^ flags;
// //we need to iterate over indices that changed or are in the listeningMask
// //Some Listening Flags are sensitive to both the previous and the new block. Others are only sensitive to
// //blocks that are different according to the predicate (XOR). For XOR, the block counting needs to be updated
// //as well.
// int iterateFlags = (~BlockStateFlags.LISTENING_MASK_OR & flagsXOR) |
// (BlockStateFlags.LISTENING_MASK_OR & this.listeningMask & (prevFlags | flags));
// int flagIndex;
// while ((flagIndex = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(iterateFlags)) < 32 && flagIndex < countsByFlag.length) {
// int flagBit = 1 << flagIndex;
// //either count up by one (prevFlag not set) or down by one (prevFlag set)
// if ((flagsXOR & flagBit) != 0) {
// countsByFlag[flagIndex] += (short) (1 - (((prevFlags >>> flagIndex) & 1) << 1));
// }
// if ((this.listeningMask & flagBit) != 0) {
// this.listeningMask = this.changeListener.onBlockChange(flagIndex, this);
// }
// iterateFlags &= ~flagBit;
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void lithium$addToCallback(ListeningBlockStatePredicate blockGroup, SectionedBlockChangeTracker tracker, long sectionPos, Level world) {
// if (this.changeListener == null) {
// if (sectionPos == Long.MIN_VALUE || world == null) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected world and section pos during intialization!");
// }
// this.changeListener = ChunkSectionChangeCallback.create(sectionPos, world);
// }
// this.listeningMask = this.changeListener.addTracker(tracker, blockGroup);
// }
// @Override
// public void lithium$removeFromCallback(ListeningBlockStatePredicate blockGroup, SectionedBlockChangeTracker tracker) {
// if (this.changeListener != null) {
// this.listeningMask = this.changeListener.removeTracker(tracker, blockGroup);
// }
// }
// @Override
// @Unique
// public void lithium$invalidateListeningSection(SectionPos sectionPos) {
// if (this.listeningMask != 0) {
// this.changeListener.onChunkSectionInvalidated(sectionPos);
// this.listeningMask = 0;
// }
// }

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