A lightweight wrapper to represent hashes as value types.
/// Alias for a 256 bits / 32 byte hash type
alias Hash = BitBlob!32;
/// Used in the following tests
enum BTCGenesisStr = `0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f`;
// Most functions are anotated as `nothrow`/`@nogc`/`pure`/`@safe`,
// except for the two `toString` overloads
@nogc @safe pure nothrow unittest
import std.digest.sha;
// Can be initialized from an `ubyte[32]`
// (or `ubyte[]` of length 32)
const Hash fromSha = sha256Of("Hello World");
// Or from a string
const Hash genesis = BTCGenesisStr;
ubyte[5] empty;
assert(Hash.init < genesis);
assert(genesis[0 .. 5] == empty);
// This cannot be nothrow/@nogc because format is not allocated as such
// However, Bitblob has tests that it does not allocate
// This does not allocate
char[Hash.StringBufferSize] buff;
const Hash genesis = BTCGenesisStr;
formattedWrite(buff[], "%s", genesis);
assert(buff[] == BTCGenesisStr);
is intended for convenient representation
of fully computed / finalized hashes.
String representation, comparison, and seamless conversion from string or binary representation are the focus.
Byte-level manipulation of the underlying data is not
prefered, although possible through opSlice