Simple yet powerful template for Laravel Vue applications.
Create your awesome project with awesome template, featuring lots of features and ready to use such as :
- Full single page application with simplified UI, routing and navigation.
- Permission will help you organize user, role more flexible with builtin settings.
- Builtin draggable menu to set your menu easily.
- Builtin authentication with seeder.
- Supports multi-language web application.
- Dark and light themes 🌓
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- Node JS 14 or higher
This might take awhile but I'm pretty sure this is worth it. So let's get started.
Clone the repository
git clone
Install dependencies
cd laravel-inertia-vite-template composer install npm install
Copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
Generate key application
php artisan key:generate
Configure your database in .env
DB_CONNECTION=mysql (can be changed to other database) DB_HOST=your_database_host DB_PORT=your_database_port DB_DATABASE=your_database_name DB_USERNAME=your_database_user DB_PASSWORD=your_database_password
Run migrations and initial seeder
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Run web server
php artisan serve
Run vite server
npm run dev
Open your browser and go to localhost and now you ready to build your apps!