This is a simple ready to use boilerplate with JWT Authentication and Authorization so you can develop your application based on this template.
You can simply login and get access-token for your application template (actually not provide specific action authorization).
It uses Laravel Framework and Tymon JWT Auto (
This is not production ready at the moment.
Authorization action by role
At the moment there isn't UPDATE or DELETE user, it will be added as soon as possible.
- The API prefix is: api/v1
- baseurl: localhost:8000
SWAGGER: <base_url>/api/v1/documentation;
<base_url>/api/v1/ping - no auth
<base_url>/api/v1/users - auth
<base_url>/api/v1/users/list - auth
<base_url>/api/v1/users/id/{id} - auth
<base_url>/api/v1/users/email/{email} - auth
<base_url>/# - routes for web login
- <base_url>/api/v1/# - no auth
- <base_url>/api/v1/# - no auth
- <base_url>/api/v1/logout - auth
- <base_url>/api/v1/users/update - auth
you can import on Postman the pre-setted collection you can find in Postman/API_Auth_Boilerplate.postman_collection.json
Create default user with this parameters
- name
- password
- password_confirmation
if you import db\auth_db_laravel.sql you will already find a user into db:
- email:
- user: admin
- password: @dmin!strator
You need Composer, PHP and mySql installed.
firstable you need to import db\auth_db_laravel.sql into your mysql istance.
after that you have to create an .env file with the database configuration based on env_base structure.
\> composer global require laravel/installer
Database: you can import db\auth_db_laravel.sql or you can migrate thing there
\> php artisan migrate
To generate JWT secret
\> php artisan jwt:secret
To generate/update Swagger
\> php artisan l5-swagger:generate
Launch server
\> cd src
\> php artisan serve