This is a simple ready to use boilerplate with JWT Authentication and Authorization so you can develop your application based on this template.
You can simply login and get access-token for your application template (actually not provide specific action authorization).
It uses TypeORM to access the database, @nestjs/jwt to create bearer token and @nestjs/swagger to show routes details.
This is not production ready at the moment.
Authorization action by role
At the moment there isn't UPDATE or DELETE user, it will be added as soon as possible.
- The API prefix is: api/v1
- baseurl: localhost:3000
you can find the routes on localhost:3000/api via swagger
- GET:
- <base_url>/api/v1/ping - no auth
- <base_url>/api/v1/users - auth
- <base_url>/api/v1/users/id/{id} - auth
- <base_url>/api/v1/users/username/{username} - auth
- <base_url>/api/v1/auth/profile - auth
- <base_url>/api/v1/auth/# - no auth
- <base_url>/api/v1/users/create - auth
you can import on Postman the pre-setted collection you can find in Postman/API_Auth_Boilerplate.postman_collection.json
- Username: Admin
- Password: @dmin!strator
- Role: Admin
You need NestJS and mySql installed.
firstable you need to import db\auth_db.sql into your mysql istance.
after that you have to create an .env file with the database configuration based on env_base structure.
\> npm install
\> cd api\v1 \> npm run start