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A highly flexible React component for displaying heatmaps using TopoJSON data. Supports custom TopoJSON inputs, allowing users to visualize data distributions across any geographical region.


  • Easy integration with React applications
  • Supports custom TopoJSON inputs for any region or country
  • Customizable colors and data input
  • Interactive and responsive design
  • Perfect for visualizing geospatial data on custom maps


This component currently supports only TopoJSON files containing a single object in the objects attribute. If your TopoJSON contains multiple objects, only the first object will be projected and rendered. Make sure to structure your TopoJSON data accordingly or filter the objects before passing them to the component.


To install the package, use npm:

npm npm install react-topojson-heatmap

Or with yarn:

yarn add react-topojson-heatmap

Input Data

Here's a basic example of the data format used in the component:

const data = {
  "SP": 50,
  "RJ": 30,
  "MG": 20,
  // Add more states with corresponding values

const metadata = {
  "SP": {
    "name": "São Paulo"
    "population": 50.000,
    "area": 50.000,
  "RJ": {
    "name": "Rio de Janeiro"
    "population": 40.000,
    "area": 32.000,
  // Add more states with corresponding data

Example: Using the IBGE Malhas API

The IBGE Malhas API can be used as an example source for TopoJSON data with the react-topojson-heatmap component. The API provides geographic boundary data for Brazilian regions, such as states and municipalities, in TopoJSON format, which is compatible with this component.

Steps to Use the IBGE Malhas API with react-topojson-heatmap:

  1. Fetch the TopoJSON data for your desired region from the IBGE Malhas API. For example, to get the TopoJSON of Brazil, you can use the following API endpoint:
  1. Pass the fetched TopoJSON data to the topojson prop of the TopoHeatmap component, as shown below:
  colorRange={["#90caff", "#2998ff"]}
  1. Customize the heatmap with your own data, colors, and settings.

You can explore the IBGE Malhas API documentation here:


Main Component

The react-topojson-heatmap component accepts the following props:

Prop Type Description Default
data Record<string, number> An object containing the values for each state. The key should correspond to the state's code. NA
metadata? Metadata An object specifying metadata for each state, such as names or descriptions. undefined
topojson Topology<TopoObj> The TopoJSON data used for rendering the geographical regions. NA
idPath? string The key used to identify each region in the TopoJSON data. "id"
colorRange? string[] An array of colors that define the color range for the heatmap. ["#90caff", "#2998ff"]
domain? number[] An array containing the color interpolation steps for the color range. [0, maxValue], where maxValue is the max value in data.
scale? number A scale factor to manually adjust the size of the rendered map. 1
translate? [number, number] An array defining the x and y translation to position the map. [0, 0]
fitSize? boolean Whether to fit the size of the map to the container's dimensions. true
onClick? (geo: GeographyType) => void A callback function called when a region is clicked, receiving information about the geography. () => {}
onSelect? (geos: GeographyType[]) => void A callback function called when a region is clicked that enables multiple selection, receiving information about all the currently selected regions. undefined

Basic example usage:

import React from 'react';
import TopoHeatmap from 'react-topojson-heatmap';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>TopoJSON Heatmap</h1>
      <TopoHeatmap data={data} metadata={metadata} topojson={topojson}/>

export default App;

Children Components


Used to display a tooltip with relevant information about each state.

Prop Type Description Default
trigger? "hover", "click" Determines how the tooltip is triggered ( on hover or click). "hover"
float? boolean If true, tooltip will follow the mouse position when it moves inside the anchor element. false
position? "top", "right", "bottom", "left" Specifies the position of the tooltip relative to the target. "top"
tooltipContent? (meta: MetaItem) => React.ReactNode A function that returns the content of the tooltip based on metadata. Used to customize the tooltip content. Returns a div with the region id.

Example Usage (using bootstrap):

import React from 'react';
import TopoHeatmap, { Tooltip, MetaItem } from 'react-topojson-heatmap';

function App() {
  const tooltipContent = (meta: MetaItem): React.ReactNode => {
    return (
      <div className="d-flex container-fluid flex-column">
        <h3 className="fw-bold text-center text-white">{}</h3>
          <strong>Population: </strong>
          <strong>Area: </strong>
          {meta.area} m2
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <TopoHeatmap data={data} metadata={metadata} topojson={topojson}>

export default App;


Used to display the heatmap color scale legend.

Prop Type Description Default Value
children React.ReactNode, string Content to be displayed in the legend header. "Legend"
stepSize number The interval between steps in the legend. 5
formatter (value: number) => string Function to format the legend labels. undefined

Example Usage (using bootstrap):

import React from 'react';
import TopoHeatmap, { Legend } from 'react-topojson-heatmap';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <TopoHeatmap data={data} metadata={metadata} topojson={topojson}>
          formatter={value => {
            return `${value.toLocaleString()}%`;}
            Public Schools Percentage

export default App;


Used to display a label inside a region, allowing customization of the content.

Prop Type Description Default
width? number Defines the width of the label container. 75
height? number Defines the height of the label container. 50
regionLabelContent? (meta: MetaItem) => React.ReactNode A function that returns the content of the label based on metadata. Used to customize the label content. Returns a div with the region id.

Example Usage:

import React from 'react';
import TopoHeatmap, { RegionLabel, MetaItem } from 'react-topojson-heatmap';

function App() {
  const labelContent = (meta: MetaItem): React.ReactNode => {
    return (
       <div className="d-flex container-fluid flex-column">
        <h3 className="fw-bold text-center text-white">{}</h3>
            <strong>Population: </strong>

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <TopoHeatmap data={data} metadata={metadata} topojson={topojson}>

export default App;


Each component can be customized by overriding specific CSS classes.
Note: Some properties may require the use of !important to be properly overridden.

Main Component

  • .react-topojson-heatmap: Controls the overall layout and dimensions of the heatmap.
  • .react-topojson-heatmap__state: Styles each individual region within the heatmap, managing outline, border, and transition effects.
  • .react-topojson-heatmap__state:hover: Defines the hover behavior for each region.
  • .react-topojson-heatmap__state.selected : Defines the selected behavior for each region.


The tooltip component can also be customized by overriding the following CSS classes:

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__tooltip: Defines the overall appearance of the tooltip.

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__tooltip.bottom::before: Styles the arrow at the top of the tooltip when it's positioned at the bottom. The arrow is created using CSS borders.

  • Styles the arrow at the bottom of the tooltip when it's positioned at the top.

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__tooltip.right::before: Styles the arrow on the left side of the tooltip when it's positioned to the right.

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__tooltip.left::before: Styles the arrow on the right side of the tooltip when it's positioned to the left.

Note: If you change the background color of the tooltips, you'll also need to update the arrow colors in the corresponding classes to match the new background.


The legend component can be customized by overriding the following CSS classes:

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__legend: Defines the overall appearance of the legend.

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__legend .content-wrapper: Inherits layout properties from the parent legend class.

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__legend .legend-header: Styles the header of the legend.

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__legend .legend-body: Manages the layout of the legend's body, using flexbox to center content and defining font size and line height.

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__legend .legend-item: Defines the layout of individual items within the legend.

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__legend .legend-color: Styles the color indicators in the legend, setting their size, shape, and spacing.


The legend component can be customized by overriding the following CSS classes:

  • .react-topojson-heatmap__region-label: Defines the overall appearance of the label.


We welcome contributions! If you have suggestions, bug reports, or want to add new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project was developed with the financial support of INEP, in partnership with Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), through a scholarship from the university. I would like to thank both institutions for their assistance and funding.


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