Mirando is a Movie Streaming React app.
It can be potrayed as a clone to NETFLIX.
The components are styled with Tailwind CSS.
It has been exceptionally comforting updating UI with tailwind.
More than that you dont have to think of crazy classNames while focusing on the UI caz it is the classNames where you tend to style everything.
Also the design has been fully responsive.
Amazing UI and fully protected Routes Gives an immersive experience with the ability to like and store the database of each user in Firebase Cloud Store itself.
- In order to authenticate with firebase you got to open a google account and go to https://firebase.google.com/
- Create a new Project and select the web app development. Firebase will give you a bunch of key and tokens and you are good to go
- Use the auth tokens and create protected routes and user authentication with the React Context API
In this app we have the # page, # page and Accounts Page Under Authentication
The # and # page looks pretty identical
I personally prefer vercel for deploying my projects. Its super Easy --
- Connect the git repository.
- Give a unique name to the project
- Mention the root folder
- And Deploy.