All render are done with Cinema4D of Maxon.
3 spheres, with white light and no ambiantlight.
canvas height 720, width 1280
ambiantlight coef 0.00, rgb(255,0,0)
camera pos(400.00;0.00;0.00), rot(0.00;0.00;0.00), fov 60
light pos(250.00;100.00;50.00), coef 1.00, rgb(255,255,255)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;226.41), diameter 50.00, rgb(128,43,175)
sphere pos(430.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
3 spheres, with white light and red ambiantlight.
canvas height 720, width 1280
ambiantlight coef 1.00, rgb(255,0,0)
camera pos(400.00;0.00;0.00), rot(0.00;0.00;0.00), fov 60
light pos(250.00;100.00;50.00), coef 1.00, rgb(255,255,255)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;226.41), diameter 50.00, rgb(128,43,175)
sphere pos(430.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
3 spheres, with white light and yellow ambiantlight.
canvas height 720, width 1280
ambiantlight coef 1.00, rgb(255,255,0)
camera pos(400.00;0.00;0.00), rot(0.00;0.00;0.00), fov 60
light pos(250.00;100.00;50.00), coef 1.00, rgb(255,255,255)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;226.41), diameter 50.00, rgb(128,43,175)
sphere pos(430.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
3 spheres, with white light and white ambiantlight.
canvas height 720, width 1280
ambiantlight coef 1.00, rgb(255,255,255)
camera pos(400.00;0.00;0.00), rot(0.00;0.00;0.00), fov 60
light pos(250.00;100.00;50.00), coef 1.00, rgb(255,255,255)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;226.41), diameter 50.00, rgb(128,43,175)
sphere pos(430.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
3 spheres, with white light coef 20% and white ambiantlight.
canvas height 720, width 1280
ambiantlight coef 1.00, rgb(255,255,255)
camera pos(400.00;0.00;0.00), rot(0.00;0.00;0.00), fov 60
light pos(250.00;100.00;50.00), coef 0.20, rgb(255,255,255)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;226.41), diameter 50.00, rgb(128,43,175)
sphere pos(430.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
3 spheres, with white light coef 20% and white ambiantlight 20%.
canvas height 720, width 1280
ambiantlight coef 0.20, rgb(255,255,255)
camera pos(400.00;0.00;0.00), rot(0.00;0.00;0.00), fov 60
light pos(250.00;100.00;50.00), coef 0.20, rgb(255,255,255)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;226.41), diameter 50.00, rgb(128,43,175)
sphere pos(430.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
3 spheres, with red light and no ambiantlight.
canvas height 720, width 1280
ambiantlight coef 0.00, rgb(255,255,255)
camera pos(400.00;0.00;0.00), rot(0.00;0.00;0.00), fov 60
light pos(250.00;100.00;50.00), coef 1.00, rgb(255,0,0)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;226.41), diameter 50.00, rgb(128,43,175)
sphere pos(430.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
4 spheres, the first scene is in the (4th) big sphere, with white light and no ambiantlight.
canvas height 720, width 1280
ambiantlight coef 0.00, rgb(255,0,0)
camera pos(400.00;0.00;0.00), rot(0.00;0.00;0.00), fov 60
light pos(250.00;100.00;50.00), coef 1.00, rgb(255,255,255)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;226.41), diameter 50.00, rgb(128,43,175)
sphere pos(430.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(400.00;0.00;0.00), diameter 800.00, rgb(0,200,200)
Same scene that the first but with rotation.
canvas height 720, width 1280
ambiantlight coef 1.00, rgb(255,0,0)
camera pos(-140.00;0.00;70.00), rot(0.00;64.80;0.00), fov 60
light pos(250.00;100.00;50.00), coef 1.00, rgb(255,255,255)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)
sphere pos(300.00;0.00;226.41), diameter 50.00, rgb(128,43,175)
sphere pos(430.00;0.00;346.41), diameter 200.00, rgb(0,200,200)