Releases: GlitchEnzo/NuGetForUnity
Releases · GlitchEnzo/NuGetForUnity
What's Changed
- move the 'NuGet For Unity' settings to the Project settings by @JoC0de in #686
- add documentation explaining the Directory structure by @JoC0de in #687
- Add an option to not strip out PDB symbols from nutget feeds by @JoC0de in #689
- fix cached package icon download on MacOS by @JoC0de in #690
- Ignore the exception when unity is starting by @JoC0de in #691
- add special handeling of too long path's by @JoC0de in #692
- Fixed Logging API in CLI by @igor84 in #695
- Fixed restore from CLI when packages need to be updated by @igor84 in #694
- Made RemoveUnnecessaryPackages consistent by @igor84 in #696
- case insensitive system-wide NuGet config merging by @JoC0de in #700
- #697 add capability to expend env variable in username by @QuentinBrun in #698
- Fixed Update All so it correctly updates implicit dependencies by @igor84 in #699
- Always enable FixRoslynAnalyzerImportSettings in CLI by @JoC0de in #702
- add setting to disable credential provider per package source by @JoC0de in #701
- Update version to 4.3.0 by @JoC0de in #703
New Contributors
- @QuentinBrun made their first contribution in #698
Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.3.0
Biggest New Features
- Allow netstandard0.0 as target framework by @JoC0de in #673
- Support for native dependencies by @JoC0de in #631
- package-source-credentials in system or user nuget.config by @JoC0de in #678
Additional Changes
- Moved defaultIcon to Editor/Resources to not be included in builds by @popara96 in #652
- Only execute Start/StopAssetEditing if something will change by @igor84 in #661
- Added support customizing installation folder name from the plugin by @igor84 in #662
- Build net7.0- and net8.0-compatible versions of NuGetForUnity.CLI by @atom-b in #663
- Fix updating for dependencies that were explicitly installed by @igor84 in #667
- update GitHub action tj-actions/changed-files to v45 by @JoC0de in #674
- update System.Text.Json used by TestProject by @JoC0de in #675
- CLI: prioritize platform dependent ApiCompatibilityLevel over general by @JoC0de in #679
- use URI instead of string to download package icons by @JoC0de in #680
- Update version to 4.2.0 by @JoC0de in #681
- add net 9 target to NuGetForUnity.Cli by @JoC0de in #682
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v4.1.1...v4.2.0
What's Changed
- Support Tuanjie Engine (china version) by @xiaoshanlin000 in #645
- Add option to prefer .NET Standard over .NET Framework as TargetFramework by @mayuki in #641
- fix analyzer DLLs configuration by @JoC0de in #646
New Contributors
- @xiaoshanlin000 made their first contribution in #645
- @mayuki made their first contribution in #641
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.1.1
What's Changed
- Updated plugin-dev-readme by @igor84 in #606
- Fixed path handling for plugins by @igor84 in #608
- Correctly order pre-release versions by @JoC0de in #610
- Implemented support for selecting multiple packages for installation by @igor84 in #611
- Improve GUI of NuGet for Unity window by @annulusgames in #617
- Add basic proxy support for NuGet API V3 by @k6a in #620
- fix 'which' command to detect location of dotnet cli by @JoC0de in #622
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35 to 41 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #612
- Support for nuget package with multiple Roslyn version analyzers by @hadashiA in #616
- update GitHub action to use newer versions by @JoC0de in #625
- fix GitHub action of last PR by @JoC0de in #626
- allow explicitly defining target-framework by @JoC0de in #630
- Packages install path can again be edited from preferences window by @igor84 in #619
- update version number to 4.1.0 by @JoC0de in #636
New Contributors
- @annulusgames made their first contribution in #617
- @k6a made their first contribution in #620
- @hadashiA made their first contribution in #616
Full Changelog: v4.0.2...v4.1.0
What's Changed
- fix compiler error on unity 2032.1.17f by @JoC0de in #599
- Added support for PluginAPI #564 by @igor84 in #597
- Update by @bhargavshirin in #600
- add badges to README by @JoC0de in #605
- add support for package registry hosted on GitHub / Azure Artefacts by @JoC0de in #602
- Plugin API versioning by @JoC0de in #604
New Contributors
- @igor84 made their first contribution in #597
- @bhargavshirin made their first contribution in #600
Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.0.2
Release 4.0.1
Release 4.0.0
Biggest New Features
- Better handling of transitive dependencies by @popara96 in #539
- Support NuGet API v3 by @JoC0de in #549
- Allow changing
path by @popara96 in #551 - Package version selection by @JoC0de in #554
- Optimizing installation duration by @popara96 in #566
- New faster
slim restore
option (enabled by default) by @popara96 in #576
What's Changed
- Fixed typo "Disabel" in the title by @Marko2155 in #537
- Added support for better handling of transitive dependencies by @popara96 in #539
- run auto-formatter on all files by @JoC0de in #542
- Support package with SemVer2 version with buildMetadata by @JoC0de in #543
- add contribution guidelines by @JoC0de in #544
- Fixed issues preventing use of hierarchical local folder NuGet repository by @JoC0de in #545
- Remove unused files added in #545 by @JoC0de in #546
- Restore improvements by @popara96 in #541
- Allow disabling installing dependencies on restore by @tete1030 in #518
- Fix InstallAndSearchLocalPackageSource test + update unity 2018 by @JoC0de in #548
- allow updating package when installed with OpenUpm by @JoC0de in #547
- NuGet API v3 by @JoC0de in #549
- Minor improvement of menu item options by @popara96 in #552
- Made packages.config path configurable from NuGet preferences by @popara96 in #551
- Package version selection by @JoC0de in #554
- Split NugetHelper code into separate classes by @JoC0de in #560
- Fix Invalid File Path Characters in Cached Image Hashing by @robrab2000 in #562
- Optimizing installation duration by @popara96 in #566
- handle Error in async initialization of NuGet V3 API client by @JoC0de in #567
- nullable warnings by @JoC0de in #568
- Avoid unzipping .nupkg every time we need to read from .nuspec by saving .nuspec inside the package folder instead of .nupkg by @popara96 in #570
- Fix console output encoding + Fix command execution on Linux / MacOS by @JoC0de in #575
- Adding slim restore option by @popara96 in #576
- Shortening the path of source files in source code nuget packages by @popara96 in #577
- allow packages without sub-directories inside the lib folder by @JoC0de in #584
- make slim restore really skip fetching already pre-imported packages by @JoC0de in #586
- Various fixes and improvements by @popara96 in #582
- support Artifactory NuGet V3 API by @JoC0de in #585
- doc(README): remove typo by @fadkeabhi in #590
- update install instructions by @JoC0de in #592
- allow overwriting nuget cache location by @JoC0de in #591
- update version to 4.0.0 by @JoC0de in #593
New Contributors
- @Marko2155 made their first contribution in #537
- @tete1030 made their first contribution in #518
- @robrab2000 made their first contribution in #562
- @fadkeabhi made their first contribution in #590
Full Changelog: v3.1.3...v4.0.0
Release 3.1.3
Biggest New Features
- Multiselection for updating / uninstalling packages (from @popara96)
- Updated Documentation
- Enhance finding already imported Assemblies (#502)
What's Changed
- Added action to publish NuGetForUnity.Cl to nuget package by @JoC0de in #500
- Document usage of NuGetForUnity.Cli by @JoC0de in #501
- Enhance finding already imported Assemblies by @JoC0de in #502
- Allow editor only pre-imported libraries + remove language folders from NuGet lib-folder by @JoC0de in #503
- Ability to set the AutoReferenced property of packages by @JoC0de in #507
- Fix deletion of non nuget-packages by @JoC0de in #511
- Fix bug when creating .nuspec in Assets folder by @JoC0de in #515
- Fix installed tab containing no packages by @JoC0de in #516
- Document how to resolve Version Conflicts by @JoC0de in #513
- Document how to resolve missing System libraries by @JoC0de in #514
- New feature - selection by @popara96 in #510
- Correctly switch between light and dark skin by @JoC0de in #520
- Correct version number in package.json by @JoC0de in #521
- Fix local package search with empty searchTerm by @JoC0de in #530
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.1.3
Release 3.1.0
Biggest New Features
- Support installation using UPM
- Add Roslyn analyzer package support
- add support for netstandard2.1 and net48 target frameworks
- Add .NET Core Global Tool to restore packages
What's Changed
- Use long for 'DownloadCount' instead of int. by @jvbsl in #464
- Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.3 to 13.0.2 in /Assets by @dependabot in #471
- add github action by @JoC0de in #474
- github action for pull requests by @JoC0de in #475
- add test project by @JoC0de in #476
- Add Roslyn analyzer package support by @nowsprinting in #393
- Add formatting script + run auto formatter on all files by @JoC0de in #478
- add support for netstandard2.1 and net48 target frameworks by @JoC0de in #479
- Usability: Added a "Preferences" button to "Manage Nuget Packages" window. by @UnquotidianVi in #317
- fix: use reflection to find already imported libs #395 by @robin-moss in #431
- restructure repository and support UPM by @JoC0de in #480
- remove code required for Unity < 2018.4 + use async UnityWebRequest by @JoC0de in #483
- Move DisableWSAPExportSetting to NugetPackageAssetPostprocessor by @JoC0de in #484
- Add .NET Core Global Tool to restore packages by @JoC0de in #487
- Resolve deprecated code warnings by @JoC0de in #488
- Local hierarchical NuGet repositories support by @JoC0de in #489
- handle image download errors by @JoC0de in #493
- Skip .svn subdirectory by @doctaweeks in #491
- Add netstandard to already imported libraries list by @JoC0de in #490
- improve dependency with version range handling by @JoC0de in #498
- change version number to 3.1.0 by @JoC0de in #499
New Contributors
- @jvbsl made their first contribution in #464
- @JoC0de made their first contribution in #474
- @nowsprinting made their first contribution in #393
- @doctaweeks made their first contribution in #491
Full Changelog: v3.0.5...v3.1.0
Release 3.0.5
What's Changed
- Give more clues about how to install this package. by @jessitron in #449
- Change assembly name to match filename by @jwittner in #450
New Contributors
- @jessitron made their first contribution in #449
Full Changelog: v3.0.4...v3.0.5