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Polhemus Fastrack etc, Ascencion Flock of Birds, InterSense trackers, WorldVis PPT Tracker

Ravbug edited this page Jan 18, 2019 · 1 revision

Polhemus Fastrack and compatible trackers

You must set the Fastrack’s baud rate to 115200, otherwise it will not work with GlovePIE. Other trackers may also be compatible, eg. The IsoTrak, Latus, or Patriot, or even some competing brands.

You can read the following values:

x, y, z: the position in inches by default yaw, pitch, roll: the angles in degrees by default exists: true if that sensor exists, false if it doesn’t

I can’t guarantee that the coordinates will be in the conventional GlovePIE coordinate system.

To read multiple sensors, use Fastrak1, Fastrak2, Fastrak3 and Fastrak4. eg.

debug = Fastrak2.x

You can also read from different COM ports, and have more than one tracker system connected, like this:

Debug = Fastrak1.Com2.x + “, “ + Fastrak1.Com1.x

Ascension Flock of Birds


NEW! Because this dll caused problems for Emotiv’s edk.dll, you need to run Glovepie_bird_5dt.exe if you downloaded the Emotiv version of GlovePIE.

You can read from the Ascension Flock of Birds tracker almost exactly the same as the Polhemus tracker above, except you use Bird instead of Fastrak.

It must be set to 115200 baud.

You can read: Bird1.x, Bird1.y, Bird1.z: position in inches Bird1.yaw, Bird1.pitch, Bird1.roll: angles in degrees

You can change the 1 to other numbers to read multiple birds.

You can also choose which com port to use if the default isn’t working:

Debug = Bird1.com2.x

InterSense trackers

You can read InterSense trackers like this:

InterSense.Pos1, InterSense.Pos2, InterSense.Pos3: x, y, and z coordinates. I don’t know which axes the correspond to though, which is why they have the strange names.

InterSense.Angle1, InterSense.Angle2, InterSense.Angle3: some euler angles. I don’t know which are yaw, pitch, and roll.

InterSense.Button1 to InterSense.Button8: If you are using a tracked Wand with buttons on it, these will be the buttons. They are either true or false.

InterSense.JoyX and InterSense.JoyY are the joystick on the Wand.

InterSense.AuxInput1 to AuxInput4: Additional inputs. These are returned as a 1-byte number

InterSense.Analog3 to InterSense.Analog10: Additional analog inputs. Analog1 and Analog2 are the same as JoyX and JoyY.

InterSense.Exists: True if it exists, false if it doesn’t.

You can use multiple trackers by adding a number after InterSense, eg. InterSense2.JoyX

WorldViz PPT Tracker

The WorldViz Precision Position Tracker is an optical tracking system.

It has the following properties:

x, y, z,
quat1, quat2, quat3, quat4,
XVelocity, YVelocity, ZVelocity,
HasPosition, HasOrientation, HasGoodPosition, HasGoodOrientation

You can track multiple targets with ppt1, ppt2, ppt3, etc.

You can also optionally specify the com port if you want, like this: Debug = ppt1.com2.x

The orientations are in quat1, quat2, quat3, and quat4. But it is a quaternion. Sorry.

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