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Version: 0.6.0

A Helm chart template for applications


Key Type Default Description
appEnv string "dev" Environment of the application
appName string "example-app" Name of the application
appVersion string "0.0.1" Version of the application
commonAnnotations string nil Common annotations for all Kubernetes objects
commonLabels string nil Common labels for all Kubernetes objects
configMap object {"annotations":null,"configs":null,"enabled":false,"labels":null} ConfigMap configuration
configMap.annotations string nil Annotations for the ConfigMap
configMap.configs string nil Data for the ConfigMap
configMap.enabled bool false Whether to create a ConfigMap
configMap.labels string nil Labels for the ConfigMap
cronJob object {"enabled":false,"jobs":null} CronJob configuration
cronJob.enabled bool false Whether to create a CronJob string nil List of jobs to run
customResources string nil CustomResources configuration
deployment object {"affinity":{},"annotations":null,"containerPorts":null,"containerSecurityContext":null,"enabled":false,"envConfigMaps":null,"envMap":null,"envSecrets":null,"envVariables":null,"hostAliases":null,"initContainers":null,"labels":null,"lifecycle":null,"livenessProbe":null,"matchLabels":null,"nodeSelector":null,"readinessProbe":null,"replicas":1,"resources":{},"securityContext":null,"serviceAccount":{"enabled":false},"sidecar":null,"startupProbe":{},"strategy":"RollingUpdate","tolerations":null,"topologySpreadConstraints":null,"volumeMounts":null,"volumes":null} Deployment configuration
deployment.affinity object {} Affinity rules for scheduling the pods
deployment.annotations string nil Annotations for the Deployment
deployment.containerPorts string nil Additional container ports
deployment.containerSecurityContext string nil Security context for the container
deployment.enabled bool false Whether to create a Deployment
deployment.envConfigMaps string nil List of ConfigMap environment variables variable - name of env variable inside container configMapName - name of kubernetes ConfigMap object configMapKey - name of the key in ConfigMap object which holds the value
deployment.envMap string nil Map of environment variables
deployment.envSecrets string nil List of secret environment variables variable - name of env variable inside container secretName - name of kubernetes secret object secretKey - name of the key in secret object which holds the value
deployment.envVariables string nil List of environment variables
deployment.hostAliases string nil Host aliases for the pods
deployment.initContainers string nil Init containers configuration
deployment.labels string nil Labels for the Deployment
deployment.lifecycle string nil Lifecycle hooks
deployment.livenessProbe string nil Liveness probe configuration
deployment.matchLabels string nil Match labels for the StatefulSet
deployment.nodeSelector string nil Node selector for scheduling the pods
deployment.readinessProbe string nil Readiness probe configuration
deployment.replicas int 1 Number of replicas (ignored if .keda.enabled is true)
deployment.resources object {} Resource requests and limits
deployment.securityContext string nil Security context for the Deployment
deployment.serviceAccount object {"enabled":false} Service account configuration
deployment.serviceAccount.enabled bool false Whether to use the service account for deployment
deployment.sidecar string nil Sidecar containers configuration
deployment.startupProbe object {} Startup probe configuration
deployment.strategy string "RollingUpdate" Deployment strategy
deployment.tolerations string nil Tolerations for scheduling the pods
deployment.topologySpreadConstraints string nil Topology spread constraints for scheduling the pods
deployment.volumeMounts string nil Volume mounts for the container
deployment.volumes string nil Volumes for the pod
externalSecret object {"enabled":false,"refreshInterval":"2s","secretStore":{"name":"vault-backend"},"secrets":null} External Secret configuration
externalSecret.enabled bool false Whether to create an External Secret
externalSecret.refreshInterval string "2s" RefreshInterval is the amount of time before the values reading again from the SecretStore provider
externalSecret.secretStore object {"name":"vault-backend"} Global SecretStore for all ExternalSecrets
externalSecret.secrets string nil Data for the External Secret
image object {"args":null,"command":null,"port":8080,"registry":"","repository":"nginx","tag":"1.9.15@sha256:932f7b8909321f20eedc0cf7d3970421b1d80b20f531936f3bc55575ccbe89ed"} Docker image configuration
image.args string nil Arguments to pass to the command
image.command string nil Command to run in the Docker container
image.port int 8080 Port the application will listen on (>1024)
image.registry string "" Docker registry
image.repository string "nginx" Docker image repository
image.tag string "1.9.15@sha256:932f7b8909321f20eedc0cf7d3970421b1d80b20f531936f3bc55575ccbe89ed" Docker image tag
ingress object {"annotations":null,"enabled":false,"entries":null} Ingress configuration
ingress.annotations string nil Annotations for the Ingress
ingress.enabled bool false Whether to create an Ingress
ingress.entries string nil Entries for the Ingress
job object {"enabled":false,"jobs":null} Job configuration
job.enabled bool false Whether to create a Job string nil List of jobs to run
keda object {"enabled":false,"scaledObject":{"enabled":false,"spec":{"triggers":[],"triggersMap":{}}},"triggerAuthentication":null} Keda configuration
keda.enabled bool false Whether to enable Keda
keda.scaledObject object {"enabled":false,"spec":{"triggers":[],"triggersMap":{}}} ScaledObject's spec
keda.scaledObject.spec.triggersMap object {} TriggersMap spec
keda.triggerAuthentication string nil TriggerAuthentication spec
namespaceOverride string nil Override the default namespace
persistentVolumeClaim object {"annotations":null,"enabled":false,"labels":null} persistentVolumeClaim configuration
persistentVolumeClaim.annotations string nil Annotations for the persistentVolumeClaim
persistentVolumeClaim.enabled bool false Whether to create a persistentVolumeClaim
persistentVolumeClaim.labels string nil Labels for the persistentVolumeClaim
podDisruptionBudget object {"enabled":false,"minAvailable":1} Pod Disruption Budget configuration
podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Whether to create a Pod Disruption Budget
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Minimum number of pods that must be available
secret object {"annotations":null,"enabled":false,"lables":null,"secrets":null} Secret configuration
secret.annotations string nil Annotations for the Secret
secret.enabled bool false Whether to create a Secret
secret.lables string nil Labels for the Secret
secret.secrets string nil Data for the Secret
service object {"annotations":null,"enabled":false,"labels":null,"ports":null,"type":"ClusterIP"} Service configuration
service.annotations string nil Annotations for the Service
service.enabled bool false Whether to create a Service
service.labels string nil Labels for the Service
service.ports string nil Ports for the Service
service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of the Service
serviceAccount object {"annotations":null,"create":false,"labels":null} Service Account configuration
serviceAccount.annotations string nil Annotations for the Service Account
serviceAccount.create bool false Whether to create a Service Account
serviceAccount.labels string nil Labels for the Service Account
statefulSet object {"affinity":{},"annotations":null,"containerPorts":null,"containerSecurityContext":null,"enabled":false,"envConfigMaps":null,"envMap":null,"envSecrets":null,"envVariables":null,"hostAliases":null,"initContainers":null,"labels":null,"lifecycle":null,"livenessProbe":null,"matchLabels":null,"nodeSelector":null,"readinessProbe":null,"resources":{},"securityContext":null,"serviceAccount":{"enabled":false},"sidecar":null,"startupProbe":{},"tolerations":null,"topologySpreadConstraints":null,"updateStrategy":"RollingUpdate","volumeClaimTemplates":null,"volumeMounts":null,"volumes":null} StatefulSet configuration
statefulSet.affinity object {} Affinity rules for scheduling the pods
statefulSet.annotations string nil Annotations for the StatefulSet
statefulSet.containerPorts string nil Additional container ports
statefulSet.containerSecurityContext string nil Security context for the container
statefulSet.enabled bool false Whether to create a StatefulSet
statefulSet.envConfigMaps string nil List of ConfigMap environment variables variable - name of env variable inside container configMapName - name of kubernetes ConfigMap object configMapKey - name of the key in ConfigMap object which holds the value
statefulSet.envMap string nil Map of environment variables
statefulSet.envSecrets string nil List of secret environment variables variable - name of env variable inside container secretName - name of kubernetes secret object secretKey - name of the key in secret object which holds the value
statefulSet.envVariables string nil List of environment variables
statefulSet.hostAliases string nil Host aliases for the pods
statefulSet.initContainers string nil Init containers configuration
statefulSet.labels string nil Labels for the StatefulSet
statefulSet.lifecycle string nil Lifecycle hooks
statefulSet.livenessProbe string nil Liveness probe configuration
statefulSet.matchLabels string nil Match labels for the StatefulSet
statefulSet.nodeSelector string nil Node selector for scheduling the pods
statefulSet.readinessProbe string nil Readiness probe configuration
statefulSet.resources object {} Resource requests and limits
statefulSet.securityContext string nil Security context for the StatefulSet
statefulSet.serviceAccount object {"enabled":false} Service account configuration
statefulSet.serviceAccount.enabled bool false Whether to use the service account for statefulset
statefulSet.sidecar string nil Sidecar containers configuration
statefulSet.startupProbe object {} Startup probe configuration
statefulSet.tolerations string nil Tolerations for scheduling the pods
statefulSet.topologySpreadConstraints string nil Topology spread constraints for scheduling the pods
statefulSet.updateStrategy string "RollingUpdate" Update strategy for the StatefulSet
statefulSet.volumeClaimTemplates string nil Volume claim templates for the StatefulSet
statefulSet.volumeMounts string nil Volume mounts for the container
statefulSet.volumes string nil Volumes for the pod
waf object {"enabled":false,"entries":null} WAF configuration
waf.enabled bool false Whether to create a WAF
waf.entries string nil Entries for the WAFs. Each WAF can have multiple TLD's but will share the same certificate. Create multiple as you need.