A Helm chart template for applications
Key | Type | Default | Description |
appEnv | string | "dev" |
Environment of the application |
appName | string | "example-app" |
Name of the application |
appVersion | string | "0.0.1" |
Version of the application |
commonAnnotations | string | nil |
Common annotations for all Kubernetes objects |
commonLabels | string | nil |
Common labels for all Kubernetes objects |
configMap | object | {"annotations":null,"configs":null,"enabled":false,"labels":null} |
ConfigMap configuration |
configMap.annotations | string | nil |
Annotations for the ConfigMap |
configMap.configs | string | nil |
Data for the ConfigMap |
configMap.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a ConfigMap |
configMap.labels | string | nil |
Labels for the ConfigMap |
cronJob | object | {"enabled":false,"jobs":null} |
CronJob configuration |
cronJob.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a CronJob |
cronJob.jobs | string | nil |
List of jobs to run |
customResources | string | nil |
CustomResources configuration |
deployment | object | {"affinity":{},"annotations":null,"containerPorts":null,"containerSecurityContext":null,"enabled":false,"envConfigMaps":null,"envMap":null,"envSecrets":null,"envVariables":null,"hostAliases":null,"initContainers":null,"labels":null,"lifecycle":null,"livenessProbe":null,"matchLabels":null,"nodeSelector":null,"readinessProbe":null,"replicas":1,"resources":{},"securityContext":null,"serviceAccount":{"enabled":false},"sidecar":null,"startupProbe":{},"strategy":"RollingUpdate","tolerations":null,"topologySpreadConstraints":null,"volumeMounts":null,"volumes":null} |
Deployment configuration |
deployment.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity rules for scheduling the pods |
deployment.annotations | string | nil |
Annotations for the Deployment |
deployment.containerPorts | string | nil |
Additional container ports |
deployment.containerSecurityContext | string | nil |
Security context for the container |
deployment.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a Deployment |
deployment.envConfigMaps | string | nil |
List of ConfigMap environment variables variable - name of env variable inside container configMapName - name of kubernetes ConfigMap object configMapKey - name of the key in ConfigMap object which holds the value |
deployment.envMap | string | nil |
Map of environment variables |
deployment.envSecrets | string | nil |
List of secret environment variables variable - name of env variable inside container secretName - name of kubernetes secret object secretKey - name of the key in secret object which holds the value |
deployment.envVariables | string | nil |
List of environment variables |
deployment.hostAliases | string | nil |
Host aliases for the pods |
deployment.initContainers | string | nil |
Init containers configuration |
deployment.labels | string | nil |
Labels for the Deployment |
deployment.lifecycle | string | nil |
Lifecycle hooks |
deployment.livenessProbe | string | nil |
Liveness probe configuration |
deployment.matchLabels | string | nil |
Match labels for the StatefulSet |
deployment.nodeSelector | string | nil |
Node selector for scheduling the pods |
deployment.readinessProbe | string | nil |
Readiness probe configuration |
deployment.replicas | int | 1 |
Number of replicas (ignored if .keda.enabled is true) |
deployment.resources | object | {} |
Resource requests and limits |
deployment.securityContext | string | nil |
Security context for the Deployment |
deployment.serviceAccount | object | {"enabled":false} |
Service account configuration |
deployment.serviceAccount.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to use the service account for deployment |
deployment.sidecar | string | nil |
Sidecar containers configuration |
deployment.startupProbe | object | {} |
Startup probe configuration |
deployment.strategy | string | "RollingUpdate" |
Deployment strategy |
deployment.tolerations | string | nil |
Tolerations for scheduling the pods |
deployment.topologySpreadConstraints | string | nil |
Topology spread constraints for scheduling the pods |
deployment.volumeMounts | string | nil |
Volume mounts for the container |
deployment.volumes | string | nil |
Volumes for the pod |
externalSecret | object | {"enabled":false,"refreshInterval":"2s","secretStore":{"name":"vault-backend"},"secrets":null} |
External Secret configuration |
externalSecret.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create an External Secret |
externalSecret.refreshInterval | string | "2s" |
RefreshInterval is the amount of time before the values reading again from the SecretStore provider |
externalSecret.secretStore | object | {"name":"vault-backend"} |
Global SecretStore for all ExternalSecrets |
externalSecret.secrets | string | nil |
Data for the External Secret |
image | object | {"args":null,"command":null,"port":8080,"registry":"docker.io","repository":"nginx","tag":"1.9.15@sha256:932f7b8909321f20eedc0cf7d3970421b1d80b20f531936f3bc55575ccbe89ed"} |
Docker image configuration |
image.args | string | nil |
Arguments to pass to the command |
image.command | string | nil |
Command to run in the Docker container |
image.port | int | 8080 |
Port the application will listen on (>1024) |
image.registry | string | "docker.io" |
Docker registry |
image.repository | string | "nginx" |
Docker image repository |
image.tag | string | "1.9.15@sha256:932f7b8909321f20eedc0cf7d3970421b1d80b20f531936f3bc55575ccbe89ed" |
Docker image tag |
ingress | object | {"annotations":null,"enabled":false,"entries":null} |
Ingress configuration |
ingress.annotations | string | nil |
Annotations for the Ingress |
ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create an Ingress |
ingress.entries | string | nil |
Entries for the Ingress |
job | object | {"enabled":false,"jobs":null} |
Job configuration |
job.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a Job |
job.jobs | string | nil |
List of jobs to run |
keda | object | {"enabled":false,"scaledObject":{"enabled":false,"spec":{"triggers":[],"triggersMap":{}}},"triggerAuthentication":null} |
Keda configuration |
keda.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to enable Keda |
keda.scaledObject | object | {"enabled":false,"spec":{"triggers":[],"triggersMap":{}}} |
ScaledObject's spec |
keda.scaledObject.spec.triggersMap | object | {} |
TriggersMap spec |
keda.triggerAuthentication | string | nil |
TriggerAuthentication spec |
namespaceOverride | string | nil |
Override the default namespace |
persistentVolumeClaim | object | {"annotations":null,"enabled":false,"labels":null} |
persistentVolumeClaim configuration |
persistentVolumeClaim.annotations | string | nil |
Annotations for the persistentVolumeClaim |
persistentVolumeClaim.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a persistentVolumeClaim |
persistentVolumeClaim.labels | string | nil |
Labels for the persistentVolumeClaim |
podDisruptionBudget | object | {"enabled":false,"minAvailable":1} |
Pod Disruption Budget configuration |
podDisruptionBudget.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a Pod Disruption Budget |
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable | int | 1 |
Minimum number of pods that must be available |
secret | object | {"annotations":null,"enabled":false,"lables":null,"secrets":null} |
Secret configuration |
secret.annotations | string | nil |
Annotations for the Secret |
secret.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a Secret |
secret.lables | string | nil |
Labels for the Secret |
secret.secrets | string | nil |
Data for the Secret |
service | object | {"annotations":null,"enabled":false,"labels":null,"ports":null,"type":"ClusterIP"} |
Service configuration |
service.annotations | string | nil |
Annotations for the Service |
service.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a Service |
service.labels | string | nil |
Labels for the Service |
service.ports | string | nil |
Ports for the Service |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Type of the Service |
serviceAccount | object | {"annotations":null,"create":false,"labels":null} |
Service Account configuration |
serviceAccount.annotations | string | nil |
Annotations for the Service Account |
serviceAccount.create | bool | false |
Whether to create a Service Account |
serviceAccount.labels | string | nil |
Labels for the Service Account |
statefulSet | object | {"affinity":{},"annotations":null,"containerPorts":null,"containerSecurityContext":null,"enabled":false,"envConfigMaps":null,"envMap":null,"envSecrets":null,"envVariables":null,"hostAliases":null,"initContainers":null,"labels":null,"lifecycle":null,"livenessProbe":null,"matchLabels":null,"nodeSelector":null,"readinessProbe":null,"resources":{},"securityContext":null,"serviceAccount":{"enabled":false},"sidecar":null,"startupProbe":{},"tolerations":null,"topologySpreadConstraints":null,"updateStrategy":"RollingUpdate","volumeClaimTemplates":null,"volumeMounts":null,"volumes":null} |
StatefulSet configuration |
statefulSet.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity rules for scheduling the pods |
statefulSet.annotations | string | nil |
Annotations for the StatefulSet |
statefulSet.containerPorts | string | nil |
Additional container ports |
statefulSet.containerSecurityContext | string | nil |
Security context for the container |
statefulSet.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a StatefulSet |
statefulSet.envConfigMaps | string | nil |
List of ConfigMap environment variables variable - name of env variable inside container configMapName - name of kubernetes ConfigMap object configMapKey - name of the key in ConfigMap object which holds the value |
statefulSet.envMap | string | nil |
Map of environment variables |
statefulSet.envSecrets | string | nil |
List of secret environment variables variable - name of env variable inside container secretName - name of kubernetes secret object secretKey - name of the key in secret object which holds the value |
statefulSet.envVariables | string | nil |
List of environment variables |
statefulSet.hostAliases | string | nil |
Host aliases for the pods |
statefulSet.initContainers | string | nil |
Init containers configuration |
statefulSet.labels | string | nil |
Labels for the StatefulSet |
statefulSet.lifecycle | string | nil |
Lifecycle hooks |
statefulSet.livenessProbe | string | nil |
Liveness probe configuration |
statefulSet.matchLabels | string | nil |
Match labels for the StatefulSet |
statefulSet.nodeSelector | string | nil |
Node selector for scheduling the pods |
statefulSet.readinessProbe | string | nil |
Readiness probe configuration |
statefulSet.resources | object | {} |
Resource requests and limits |
statefulSet.securityContext | string | nil |
Security context for the StatefulSet |
statefulSet.serviceAccount | object | {"enabled":false} |
Service account configuration |
statefulSet.serviceAccount.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to use the service account for statefulset |
statefulSet.sidecar | string | nil |
Sidecar containers configuration |
statefulSet.startupProbe | object | {} |
Startup probe configuration |
statefulSet.tolerations | string | nil |
Tolerations for scheduling the pods |
statefulSet.topologySpreadConstraints | string | nil |
Topology spread constraints for scheduling the pods |
statefulSet.updateStrategy | string | "RollingUpdate" |
Update strategy for the StatefulSet |
statefulSet.volumeClaimTemplates | string | nil |
Volume claim templates for the StatefulSet |
statefulSet.volumeMounts | string | nil |
Volume mounts for the container |
statefulSet.volumes | string | nil |
Volumes for the pod |
waf | object | {"enabled":false,"entries":null} |
WAF configuration |
waf.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to create a WAF |
waf.entries | string | nil |
Entries for the WAFs. Each WAF can have multiple TLD's but will share the same certificate. Create multiple as you need. |