This project aims to provide a way for members of the RLBot community to contribute their ideas to a common set of tools for arithmetic, simulation, and car controllers.
All of the code in this repo is subject to potentially breaking changes. You are responsible for maintaining a dependency on a specific version of this code, or keeping your bot up to date with the current version.
To build, you need a copy of 64 bit python 3.7 and a C++ compiler (assuming Windows only), cmake:
Get a copy of the repo
git clone --recursive
Run to build the C++ tools and/or python bindings
Add this repo as a submodule to your project, so that you might easily receive updates to it:
> cd my_rlbot_folder
> git submodule add -b master
> git submodule update --remote
The project uses CMake, so doing add_directory(path/to/RLUtilities/rlutilities/cpp)
should allow you to
include it in an existing CMake project.
If you just want to use RLUtilites for your python bot, download one of the releases.