Data Structures and Algorithms with Javascript
This material is created by attending this Udemy course
- Need for Big O Notation
- Examples to understand need of Big O
- Describe what Big O Notation is
- Simplify Big O Expressions
- Define time complexity and space complexity
- Evaluate the time complexity and space complexity of different algorithms using Big O Notation
- Touch upon logarithm
- Understand how objects and arrays work through the lens of Big O
- See why adding elements to the beginning of an array is costly
- Compare and contrast the runtime for arrays and objects, as well as built-in methods
- Define what an algorithm is
- Devise a plan to solve algorithms
- Understand the problem
- Explore concrete examples
- Break it down
- Solve / Simplify the problem
- Look back and refactor
- Problem Solving Patterns
- Recursion
- Searching Algorithms
- Sorting Algorithms
- Data Structures
- Singly Linked Lists
- Doubly Linked Lists
- Stacks
- Queues
- Binary Search Trees
- Tree Traversal
- Binary Heaps
- Hash Tables
- Graphs
- Graph Traversal
- Dijkstra's Algorithm