Sociogram is a demo Instagram web app with some custom features
- MERN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJs, ReactJs, NodeJs)
- Database : Mongo ATLAS
- Cloudstorage: Cloudinary API
- Email: Sendgrid API
- Authentication: JsonWebtokens (JWT)
- Code Editor: VS Code
- Backend Packages: Nodemailer, Nodemon, Express etc.
- Deployment: Heroku
- Creating profile
- Login and # using JWT
- # welcome email
- Upload and edit profile picture and profile credentials
- Follow and Unfollow other profiles
- Create and delete posts
- creating and deleting comments
- Showing time-stamps of each posts
- Like and unlike posts
- Forgot password feature with forgot password secured email
- Real-time display of your followers and followings
NOTE: Email feature is not currently available right now because its a premium service of SendGrid. So it has been turned off.