- (Nikhil Gurnani)
This repository contains a basic NodeJs initialised project with Mongo DB and ExpressJs to be used as a boiler plate for the new backend API development. This repository will be actively maintained by @nikhilgurnani.
[1]. Use camelCase
[2]. Every module name in package must start with package name
ex - While writing a module for User in package models then module file name must be modelsUser and if the package name is controller then module file name must be controllerUser
[3]. Run npm run test
to check test case status.
[4]. Declare and use constants as much as possible.
[5]. Create atomic functions for each task and call functions to do your tasks.
[6]. Ensure you write test cases for every API endpoint you create.
Status | Condition |
200 | request is OK and fulfilled, Get and Put requests mostly |
201 | new record created, post request mostly |
204 | no content, delete calls mostly |
206, 302 | api change and redirect |
400 | Bad Request. The data is not valid in request. We prefer 400 over 206 (partial content) |
401 | If auth_token is invalid. Once API return 401 ask client apps to logout and re-login |
403 | Invalid auth. Use auth header, to protect resources. Also used for Invalid Permissions in some cases |
[1]. First create "logs" directory in src folder
[2]. Then create .env file in parent directory and copy keys from sample.env into it and change values appropriately
[3]. Ensure you have MongoDB installed and a service running for the DB.
[3]. Run "npm install" to install packages and dependencies listed in the package.json
[4]. After that just run "npm run start".
Tech Stack: We are using NodeJs with ExpressJs framework, MongoDB as primary database, Redis for caching and AWS as main cloud service. Mocha and chai with chai-http for TDD
Note: Return 401 in case invalid authToken and ask application developer to clean all data from local storage of that user
[1]. Error response structure
**error**: "It could be string or object or list or object. Frontend need not to worry about this.",
**message**: "It must be a string. Frontend will show this to user.",
**errorCode**: "Our unique codes. Depends on user input and db response. These must be set in controller/controllerConstants.js"
[2]. Success result, a list, we are using offset to paginate result
result: [
This will be object here
count: "This will be an integer",
next: boolean # Will tell about whether to make next call or not?
nextOffset: Integer # Will tell about next offset value.
[3]. Success result, Single object, a valid object
result: {
Object will come here.
[4]. Success result, no data to return
success: true
### Project Structure
we are using [dotenv][1] package.
Check sample.env to refer sample env file.
> For services, we use:
> - AWS SES (Simple Email Service) ------> Emails
> - FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) ------> Push Notifications
> - Cloud File Storage (AWS BOTO) -------> File Storage
In src folder you will get 7 main folders, named:
: contains cache-models and object
: contains all functions related to business logic. All module
name must start with *controller*
: contains middleware modules. All module name must start with
: contains all functions and related to DB and also the DB related
methods. All module name must start with *model*
: contains routes related modules and bind endpoints to
controllers. All module name must start with *route*
: ontain random scripts, non JS files, use for random tasks
: contains common util modules. All module name must start with
> **Note:**
> - If a project requires usage of Notifications, you can find a (**utils > utilNotifications.js**), that contains an independent function that can send Push, Email or SMS Notification by accepting some paramters.
> - In test folder you will get all the test cases file. Ensure you write test cases for each and every API endpoint
> - Apart from that there is a main file called "server.js". It is the entry point of this project. Please first read that file