Over the last several years, I've been committed to figuring myself out as a retired man in his 30's. Stoic philosophy has been a great help in that journey.
This project is intended to accomplish a few things:
- Deepen my connection with and understanding of the source material by narrating passages from classic texts (you can find them at https://stoic.gringo.dev)
- Help others by connecting them with philosophical traditions I wish I'd had exposure to at an earlier point in my life
- Demonstrate how to work with technologies I like and/or want to experiment with (Laravel, Livewire, Volt, Folio, etc.)
- Provide a starting point for your own podcast platform by building in public and open sourcing the code
Feedback and pull requests are very welcome!
You can find a living version of this project at: https://stoic.gringo.dev
You can follow along as I build it on my YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@GringoDotDev
You can set up this project like pretty much any normal Laravel project:
# you may/will need to adjust some env variables
cp .env.example .env
npm i
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan octane:start --watch
npm run dev
You should be able to see the home page and log in to /admin with credentials admin@gringo.dev
/ password
This project works pretty similarly to any other Laravel project, but a few details to point out:
- Via Laravel Folio, find file-based pages at:
- Via Laravel Volt, find Livewire components at :
- You can reach the FilamentPHP admin panel in your browser at
- It uses Laravel Octane (with Roadrunner) for extra performance
- It runs on MySQL in production but should work with any Eloquent-compatible database
In production this project is hosted using a small Hetzner server orchestrated by ploi.io, but should be easily self-hostable in other environments as well.