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Guerra24 edited this page Sep 13, 2021 · 4 revisions

This process has been automated through the new installer, please use that instead!

Installing Certificate

Due to how UWP works a certificate is required for installation when developer mode is disabled. Installing is very straightforward.

  1. Download the cert file
  2. Open It.
  3. In the window, click Install Certificate.
  1. Select Local Machine (Admin Required).
  1. Select Place all certificates in the following store, then click Browse.
  1. Select Trusted People, OK, then Next.
  1. Click finish and it's done!

If you want to check if the cert installed properly, open it again and it should appear like this.

Uninstalling Certificate

If you want to remove the certificate.

  1. Open certmgr.msc
  1. Select Trusted People > Certificates
  1. Right click the certificate, delete.
  1. That's it!
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