Zig SFML Wrapper
This is a wrapper for CSFML. Theres no problem importing CSFML in Zig, but the resulting code can be a little bit messy. My goal is to make things close enough to SFML, with nice methods.
This currently for Zig 0.12 (should work with 0.13) and CSFML 2.6.1.
Add using Zig's package manager like so: zig fetch --save https://github.com/Guigui220D/zig-sfml-wrapper/archive/d5272051a937c8a3756bb96eab8276b76a271de4.tar.gz
(replace the commit hash if you want an other version).
Add this to your exe compile in build.zig
const sfml = @import("sfml"); // AT THE TOP OF THE FILE
exe.root_module.addImport("sfml", b.dependency("sfml", .{}).module("sfml"));
Note: Your project must know the location of the CSFML2.6.1 include, lib, and binaries directories for successful building and running. For more information, please refer to the wiki 👇
Check the wiki for more details on how to compile your project or the examples.
This is a small example of how you use this sfml wrapper:
//! This is a translation of the c++ code the sfml website gives you to test if SFML works
//! for instance, in this page: https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.6/start-vc.php
const sf = struct {
usingnamespace @import("sfml");
usingnamespace sf.graphics;
pub fn main() !void {
var window = try sf.RenderWindow.createDefault(.{ .x = 200, .y = 200 }, "SFML works!");
defer window.destroy();
var shape = try sf.CircleShape.create(100.0);
defer shape.destroy();
while (window.isOpen()) {
while (window.pollEvent()) |event| {
if (event == .closed)
window.draw(shape, null);
Feel free to add your project to this list!
- Pong clone I made
- Minez an arcade looking minecraft inspired mining game
- quran-warsh a desktop quran app
Most of the classes are wrapped and you should be able to write games with this wrapper. The network module is a recent addition and does not contain all classes yet (HTTP, FTP, ...). Threads are not available yet.