ThumbThumb digs through a folder of video files and generates a sheet of thumbnails for each one making it easy to preview a huge set of videos at a glance!
See the vcsi project in GitHub for sample output files:
- Generate contact sheets/thumbnail sheets for a folder full of video clips, movies, dirty stuff, etc.
- Search through subdirectories (currently limited to 10 to prevent issues with heavily nested subfolders)
- Prefix the folder name to the output image (useful for similarly named files like Ep 1.mkv, Ep 2.mkv, etc.)
- Keep the folder structure of the source content in the output folder
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
These should be somewhere in your system PATH
- vcsi (
- ffmpeg and ffprobe (
pip3 install pyinstaller
git clone
pyinstaller --onefile vcsi/
Look in the "dist" folder for vcsi.exe
Place vcsi.exe, the VERSION file from the vcsi project, ffmpeg.exe, and ffprobe.exe in project root
pyinstaller --add-binary "vcsi.exe;." --add-binary "ffmpeg.exe;." --add-binary "ffprobe.exe;." --onefile
The VERSION file must be in the same directory as the output main.exe.
pyinstaller --add-binary "vcsi.exe;." --add-binary "ffmpeg.exe;." --add-binary "ffprobe.exe;." --add-data "VERSION;." --onedir
Your distributable executable or folder should be in the "dist" directory. Don't forget to include the VERSION file if distributing the single exe.
Rebuild after making any changes with:
pyinstaller main.spec