The 3connect-wallet is a simple React application designed to allow users to connect their Ethereum wallet using Web3.js. This application provides a basic user interface for connecting wallets and displaying connected account information.
The 3connect-wallet integrates Web3.js to interact with Ethereum blockchain functionalities. It allows users to connect their Ethereum wallet and view their connected account address.
Follow these steps to install and run the 3connect-wallet locally.
If you haven't set up your React application (3connect-wallet
) yet, create a new React app using create-react-app
$ npx create-react-app 3connect-wallet
$ cd 3connect-wallet
Cloning and Setting Up Clone your existing public and src directories into the newly created React app directory (my-web3-app):
$ git clone
$ cd 3connect-wallet
Installing Dependencies Navigate to the src directory of your React app and install the required dependencies:
$ cd 3connect-wallet/src
$ npm install
This command installs all necessary packages defined in src/package.json.
Starting the Development Server After installing dependencies, start the development server to run the 3connect-wallet locally:
$ npm start
This command will launch the application and automatically open it in your default web browser at http://localhost:3000.
Usage To use the 3connect-wallet:
Connecting Your Ethereum Wallet Open the Application: Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.
Click "Connect Wallet": The main screen of the application should display a button labeled "Connect Wallet". Click on this button to initiate the connection process.
Follow Instructions: If you are using MetaMask or another Ethereum wallet browser extension, you may be prompted to authorize the connection. Follow the instructions to connect your wallet.
View Connected Account: Once connected, your Ethereum account address will be displayed on the screen within the application.
Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to the project, please follow these steps:
Fork the repository and create a new branch. Make your changes and test them locally. Submit a pull request detailing your changes and improvements.
Contact If you have questions or need assistance, feel free to contact Telegram @cr0wel