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HAWK - Auth Server - Keycloak Extension

This keycloak extension is a companion for the HAWK Auth client, which aims to create a simple way of working with keycloak as an authentication and authorization backend for microservices. While keycloak is a really powerful tool, the REST api and the fine grained access control on it's own resources can be a bit cumbersome to work with. This extension provides multiple new endpoints to make it easier and more efficient. It also provides a (currently rather simple) logic to invalidate client caches when data of the realm changes.


To install the extension download the latest release from the releases page.


After the installation of the extension you need to restart the keycloak server. With the restart the extension will create a bunch of new roles you need to assign to your clients. To make your life easier, we have created a new role hawk-client that combines all the roles needed to access the new endpoints. The installer will also automatically add a new group of client scopes to your realm called hawk-client as well, that you can assign to your clients.

  1. Create a new client, or use an existing one
  2. Open the client and navigate to the "Service account roles" tab
  3. Assign the (realm-management) hawk-client role to the client
    • If you want to do management operations (like updating the profile structure or managing resource permissions), you need to assign the corresponding roles to your client: hawk-manage-profile-structure, hawk-manage-profile-data, hawk-manage-resource-permissions.
  4. Open the "Client scopes" tab
  5. Add the hawk-client scope using the "Default" option.
  6. Open the "Realm settings" in your main menu
  7. Navigate to the "Events" tab and add the hawk-cache-buster event listener.

What's in the box?

New routes

GET Users


This route is more or less a drop-in replacement for the built-in keycloak user search endpoint (/admin/realms/{realm}/users), however it has some notable differences:

  • The response data mirrors the data structure of the /realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect endpoint (without the token related fields "exp", "iat", etc).
  • You can request multiple users at once by providing a list of user ids in the query parameter ids. The response will be a list of users in the same order as the ids.
  • You can request ONLY the user ids by providing the query parameter idsOnly=true. The response will be a list of user ids.
  • You can request ONLY users that are considered "online" by providing the query parameter onlineOnly=true. The response will be a list of users that have a session with activity in the last 10 minutes.

Supported query parameters:

  • search - A String contained in username, first or last name, or email. Default search behavior is prefix-based (e.g., foo or foo*). Use foo for infix search and "foo" for exact search.
  • attributes - A query to search for custom attributes, in the format key1:value2 key2:value2
  • ids - A list of user ids to search for, in the format id1,id2. If provided, the search and attributes parameters CAN NOT be used.
  • onlineOnly - If true, only users with an active session (in any client of the realm) will be returned
  • idsOnly - If true, only the user ids will be returned
  • first - The first result to return (0-based)
  • max - The maximum number of results to return (default 100)

Required roles: query-users and view-users (the latter is required if "idsOnly" is not set to true)

GET User Count


This route is a simple count of the users in the realm. Works similar to /admin/realms/{realm}/users/count, but allows specific filtering for online users.

Supported query parameters:

  • onlineOnly - If true, only users with an active session (in any client of the realm) will be counted
  • search - A String contained in username, first or last name, or email. Default search behavior is prefix-based (e.g., foo or foo*). Use foo for infix search and "foo" for exact search.
  • attributes - A query to search for custom attributes, in the format key1:value2 key2:value2

Required roles: query-users

GET Client Resources


Returns a list of authorization resource definitions for the client requesting the endpoint. This is a custom implementation of: /realms/{realm}/authz/protection/resource_set that can be used to filter resources based on their ids.

Supported query parameters:

  • ids - A list of resource ids to search for, in the format id1,id2. If provided the filters "name", "owner", "type" and "uri" can not be used. (Exception owner + sharedOnly, this is allowed)
  • name - Allows for filtering the resources by their name, by default a partial search is done, set 'exactName' for exact matching
  • uri - Allows filtering the resources by the uri
  • owner - The uuid of a user will only return resources owned by the user
  • sharedWith - Allows filtering the resources to all resources shared with the user with the given uuid
  • sharedOnly - If true, only resources shared with the user will be returned. Enabling this flag MUST be accompanied by the "owner" filter, that is the user id which shared the resources.
  • idsOnly - If set, only the ids of the resources are returned
  • exactName - If set only resources that match the name-filter exactly will be returned
  • type - Allows for filtering for types of resources
  • first - The first result to return (0-based)
  • max - The maximum number of results to return (default 100)

Required roles: hawk-view-resource-permissions or hawk-manage-resource-permissions or both.

GET Client Resource Users


Returns a list of users that have been granted permissions (does not include the owner) for the specified resource. The response contains both the user id and the allowed scopes.

Required roles: hawk-view-resource-permissions or hawk-manage-resource-permissions or both.

PUT Allow Resource to User


Grants the user the provided scopes for the specified resource. If the list of scopes is empty, the user will be granted all scopes for the resource (if the user does not have any scope yet), or remove all scopes from the user (if the user has any scope). This basically an endpoint that allows the "share" functionality provided by the "account" frontend but with custom roles.

Required roles: hawk-manage-resource-permissions

Expected body:

  "scopes": ["scope1", "scope2"]

GET Roles


This endpoint has the same output as the /admin/realms/{realm}/roles endpoint, but has some differences:

  • Built-In roles (e.g., offline_access, uma_authorization) are not included in the response.
  • The response contains Realm roles and Client roles in the same list.

Supported query parameters:

  • first - The first result to return (0-based)
  • max - The maximum number of results to return (default 100)

Required roles: hawk-view-roles

GET Role Members


Returns a list of user ids that have the specified role. The response is a list of user ids.

Supported query parameters:

  • first - The first result to return (0-based)
  • max - The maximum number of results to return (default 100)

Required roles: hawk-view-roles AND view-users

GET Profile structure


Returns the structure of the user profile in the realm. This is a custom endpoint that allows clients to get the profile structure without having read access to the whole realm.

The response is a UPConfig representation.

Required roles: hawk-view-profile-structure

PUT Profile structure


Allows your client to update the profile structure of the realm. This is a custom endpoint that allows clients to update the profile structure without having write access to the whole realm.

The body of the request should be a UPConfig representation.

Required roles: hawk-manage-profile-structure

GET User Profile Data


Returns the profile data of a user. This is a custom endpoint that allows the client to choose if the profile should be returned as the user itself or as an admin. The userProfileMetadata is ALWAYS returned, otherwise the endpoint behaves exactly like: /admin/realms/{realm}/users/{userId}

Supported query parameters:

  • mode - user|admin - If set to "admin" the update will be done as an admin, otherwise as the user itself

Required roles: view-users

PUT User Profile Data


Allows your client to update the profile data of a user. This is a custom endpoint that allows clients to update the profile without having global write access to the user or using impersonation to update the user.

The body of the request should be a UserRepresentation

Supported query parameters:

  • mode - user|admin - If set to "admin" the update will be done as an admin, otherwise as the user itself

Required roles: hawk-manage-profile-data

PATCH User Profile Data


This endpoint works similar to the PUT variant, but also accepts partial updates. Only the fields that are provided in the request body will be validated and updated.

The body of the request should be a UserRepresentation

Supported query parameters:

  • mode - user|admin - If set to "admin" the update will be done as an admin, otherwise as the user itself

Required roles: hawk-manage-profile-data

GET Cache Buster


This endpoint returns a single timestamp value. The timestamp is updated whenever a write operation is performed on the realm. This can be used by clients to invalidate their cache of realm data.

Beware of dragons: The current approach is not the most efficient one, as it invalidates the cache of the whole realm on each write event. This is a simple approach that works for small realms, but it may not be the best solution for large realms. We are open to suggestions and PRs to improve this extension.

Required roles: hawk-view-cache-buster

GET Connection Info


This endpoint returns information about the connection to the keycloak server required for a smooth client experience. Note, to use this endpoint the requesting client MUST have a service account.

The response contains the following fields:

  • keycloakVersion - The version of the keycloak server (Used for compatibility checks on the client side)
  • extensionVersion - The version of the hawk keycloak extension
  • clientId - The client id of the client that requested the endpoint
  • clientUuid - The uuid of the client that requested the endpoint
  • clientServiceAccountUuid - The uuid of the service account of the client that requested the endpoint

Required roles hawk-client

New roles

The extension introduces new roles that can be used to control access to the new endpoints. All roles are created on the realm-management client of all realms (except the master realm). The roles are automatically installed on startup of the extension.

  • hawk-view-cache-buster - Allows the client to request the cache buster timestamp
  • hawk-view-roles - Allows the client to request the roles of the realm and clients
  • hawk-manage-profile-structure - Allows the client to update the profile structure of the realm
  • hawk-view-profile-structure - Allows the client to request the profile structure of the realm
  • hawk-manage-profile-data - Allows the client to update the profile data of a user
  • hawk-view-resource-permissions - Allows the client to request the resources of itself and the permissions of the resources
  • hawk-manage-resource-permissions - Allows the client to manage the permissions of the resources

There is also a new convience role hawk-client that combines the following roles to create a read-only client:

  • hawk-client
    • (account) view-groups
    • (account) view-profile
    • (realm-management) view-users
    • (realm-management) query-users
    • (realm-management) view-authorization
    • (realm-management) query-groups
    • (realm-management) hawk-view-roles
    • (realm-management) hawk-view-cache-buster
    • (realm-management) hawk-view-profile-structure


To build the extension you may run the following command:


It will generate the target/cache-buster-extension.jar file.


You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.

HAWK Fakultät Gestaltung
Interaction Design Lab
Renatastraße 11
31134 Hildesheim

Thank you :D


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