This repo contains guidelines for constructing a model_provenance.json
file for time-based predictive machine learning problems adhering to ML 2.0 principles.
The purpose of the model_provenance.json
file is to document an entire machine learning workflow, from raw data to deployment, in such a way that anyone along any step of the process can recreate the results.
At a high-level, the file specifies the following steps:
- Data preprocessing/loading (by linking to another file:
) - Prediction Engineering
- Feature Engineering
- Data Splits
- Modeling + AutoML
- Training/Testing setup
- Results
- Deployment
If you feel we are missing something that you would want in a machine learning workflow, we're happy to listen to your input. Follow the following steps:
- File an issue detailing what is lacking/problematic with the current spec, and ideally how you would propose to fix it.
- We may then ask you to file a Pull Request, in which case, please modify BOTH
to reflect the changes.
If you have questions or concerns, please file an issue on Github.
- prediction_window - Window of time with which to produce labels, include unit
- min_training_data - Minimum amount of data recorded for each time-varying instance to generate labels for that instance
- lead - Time in the future to predict, include unit (e.g. "28 days")
- labeling_function - Path to executable labeling function
List of feature engineering methods used
- method - Name of method to use for (automated) feature engineering, such as Deep Feature Synthesis method-specific parameters
- training_window - Amount of historical data to use to compute features for each instance
- aggregate_primitives - List of strings of Featuretools aggregation primitives
- transform_primitives - List of strings of Featuretools transform primitives
- ignore_variables - Lists of names of columns per entity to ignore when building features
- feature_selection - method name and hyperparameters associated with feature selection, if any
Describes the machine-learning methods to search through and the AutoML method to use
- methods - List of machine learning methods, each containing a "method" name and "hyperparameter_options" path to a separate JSON
- budget - Resources to allocate in terms of either compute time or number of models to try
- automl_method - path to another JSON spec file detailing the AutoML method (such as ATM, AutoSKLearn, etc)
- cost_function - path to an executable script that computes a cost given true and predicted labels, and access to the underlying data
List of information about each split Each split contains an object:
- id - Name of split
- start_time - Timestamp
- end_time - Timestamp
- label_search_parameters - Label Search Parameters Object
- offset - amount of time between successive labeling windows in search
- strategy - one of ["random", ]
- examples_per_instance - Number of elements to sample per element of "by" column
- gap - Amount of time to space between each sample of same element
- training - Validation Type Object
- tuning - Validation Type Object
- testing - Validation Type Object
- data_split: id of data split
- validation_method: Path to validation spec JSON file
Keys are the data split id, each value is a list for each trial run. Generally models will be trained & evaluated several times with different random seeds to measure stability. Each element for each trial run is an object:
- random_seed - int
- threshold - tuned decision threshold, float
- precision - float
- recall - float
- fpr - float
- auc - float
- deployment_executable - Path to an file that can generate predictions
- deployment_parameters - Deployment Parameters object
- data_fields_used - Data Fields Used Object
- integration_and_validation - Integration And Validation Object
- feature_list_path - Path to a file that can be used by the feature computation method to compute new feature matrices
- model_path - Path to serialized fitted model that can be loaded in memory and used to make predictions
- threshold - Threshold used to binarize predictions
- data_fields_used - Data Fields Used Object
- expected_feature_value_ranges - Expected Feature Value Ranges Object
Object listing the expected ranges of each feature in the feature matrix Keys are feature names values are objects containing:
- min - min value
- max - max value
Object listing the field names per table/entity used in feature engineering and fed into the machine learning model
- data_fields_object: {"entity_name": ["Field1", "Field2", "Field3"]}