This code is deprecated.
Please see the new version in
Carvalho, J.; Le, A.T.; Baierl, M.; Koert, D.; Peters, J. (2023). Motion Planning Diffusion: Learning and Planning of Robot Motions with Diffusion Models, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
This repository implements MPD
- Motion Planning Diffusion -, a method for learning and planning robot motions with
diffusion models, which was presented at IROS 2023.
- Since the IROS submission we improve the code for better parallelization and improved the baselines. Hence, the results in the paper are slightly outated, but the qualitivative results are still valid.
- We changed the data generation to use RRT Connect followed by GPMP2, which we found to lead to smoother results.
- The training of the baseline (CVAE) and comparison with traditional planning methods will be added soon.
If you have any questions please let me know --
- Ubuntu 20.04 (maybe works with other OS)
- miniconda
Clone this repository with
cd ~
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd mpd-public
Download IsaacGym Preview 4 and extract it under deps/isaacgym
mv ~/Downloads/IsaacGym_Preview_4_Package.tar.gz ~/mpd-public/deps/
cd ~/mpd-public/deps
tar -xvf IsaacGym_Preview_4_Package.tar.gz
Run the bash setup script to install everything.
cd ~/mpd-public
To try out the MPD inference, first download the data and the trained models.
conda activate mpd
gdown --id 1mmJAFg6M2I1OozZcyueKp_AP0HHkCq2k
tar -xvf data_trajectories.tar.gz
gdown --id 1I66PJ5QudCqIZ2Xy4P8e-iRBA8-e2zO1
tar -xvf data_trained_models.tar.gz
Run the inference script
cd scripts/inference
Comment out the model-id
variable in scripts/inference/
to try out different models
model_id: str = 'EnvDense2D-RobotPointMass'
model_id: str = 'EnvNarrowPassageDense2D-RobotPointMass'
model_id: str = 'EnvSimple2D-RobotPointMass'
model_id: str = 'EnvSpheres3D-RobotPanda'
Depending on the task (model-id
) you might need to change the weights for collision and smoothness (we will provide an "hyperpameter search" soon.)
weight_grad_cost_collision: float = 3e-2
weight_grad_cost_smoothness: float = 1e-2
The results will be saved under data_trained_models/[model_id]/results_inference/
We recommend running the follwowing in a SLURM cluster.
conda activate mpd
To regenerate the data:
cd scripts/generate_data
To train the model:
cd scripts/train_diffusion
If you use our work or code base(s), please cite our article:
title={Motion Planning Diffusion: Learning and Planning of Robot Motions with Diffusion Models},
author={Carvalho, J. and Le, A.T. and Baierl, M. and Koert, D. and Peters, J.},
booktitle={IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
Parts of this work and software were taken and/or inspired from: