Source code for AKBC 2021 paper Manifold Alignment across Geometric Spaces for Knowledge Base Representation Learning.
- python: 3.6
- torch: 1.0.0
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- cython
- tqdm
- numpy
The hyperbolic embeddings in this repository (the poincare-embeddings folder) is inherited from the poincare-embeddings repository.
We construct two taxonomies (YAGOwordnet and wikiObjects) and one knowledge graph (YAGOfacts) from YAGO3. Please refer to our paper for the data construction details.
- taxonomy.csv: This file contains the edges (i.e., the hypernymy relations) of the taxonomy.
- full_taxonomy.csv: This file contains the edges of the full transitive closure of the taxonomy, which is used in our experiments.
- full_transitive.txt / basic_edges.txt: The edges in the full transitive closure of the taxonomy / the transitive reduction of the taxonomy.
- types.txt / entities.txt / taxonomy_nodes.txt: The types / entities / union of types and entities in the taxonomy.
- taxonomy: The folder contains the training set and test set under different training rates.
- TransE_KG: The folder contains the pretrained TransE embeddings of YAGOfacts named 'TransE.ckpt'. Please obtain a pairwise distance matrix of the entity embeddings and store it in this folder before running the code.
To run the whole framework, run:
echo $Training_Rate"\n"$Data"\n"$Dimension"\n"$Hyperbolic_Model"\n" | xargs -L 4 -P $PARALLEL_R bash
where $Training_Rate = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; $Data = {YAGOwordnet, wikiObjects}; $Dimension is the embedding dimension of the hyperbolic space; $Hyperbolic_Model = {lorentz, poincare}; $PARALLEL_R is the number of parallel programs. More parameters can be edited in
If you find this repository useful for your research, please kindly cite our paper:
title={Manifold Alignment across Geometric Spaces for Knowledge Base Representation Learning},
author={Huiru Xiao and Yangqiu Song},
booktitle={3rd Conference on Automated Knowledge Base Construction},