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Force Tameable Usage

Geroge edited this page Jan 18, 2016 · 2 revisions

If you have not noticed, there is a force tameable config option which can be used to specify which nontameable dragons are gonna be forced to be tameable. Dragons like the Skrill which weren't shown naturally to be tameable will be tameable through this config and can (as of right now) be tamed with fish only.

##Current Syntax The current syntax is simple, just think of the name of the dragon which isn't naturally tameable that you want and put its name it. For the Skrill, you can simply type "skrill" to make it tameable. If you want multiple dragons like say a skrill and screaming death (when implemented) just simply type "skrill,screaming death" or "skrill,screamingdeath" either one will work because spaces are ignored in names. You can also use random casing like "SkRiLl" if you really wanted to (please don't do that though, its easier for everyone, including you, if you don't, that's not why casing is ignored, please).

##Current Syntax Direction We plan to add more power to this syntax, that can be discussed on r/httymd.

The current upcoming syntax will be as such:

To enable dragons with default food (fish): <dragon name>,<dragon name>,...

To enable dragons with specified food: <dragon name>(<food name>,<food name>,...),<dragon name>(<food name>),...

To enable multiple dragons with specified food: [<dragon name>,<dragon name>,...](<food name>,<food name>,...),...

To disable dragons: ...,![<dragon name>,<dragon name>,...],...

##Possible Enhancements We might plan on allowing commands to control this, and further in the future we might even accept NBT modification (which means that map makers will be able to customize individual dragons and not the whole species). Discussions for such features are in progress

Note: The options at the end take precedence. You can add individual dragons outside of a list however, to add additional food.

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