Knowledge Board is a Knowledge Base Tool and Question & Answer Platform. In Knowledge Board, your employees can ask their colleagues questions about their tasks. Team members will receive an automatic e-mail notification and can then publish answers and instruction on how to solve the problems. This way, the answers will be recorded and should another staff member have the same problem in the future, they can check out the solution. Alternatively, experienced staff members can publish guides for their colleagues to address regularly upcoming issues. The fine-grained distribution of access rights allows you to collect internal knowledge in a central location while ensuring that only authorized persons and groups can view it. The detailed search allows that already answered questions are easily found.
Knowledge Board runs as a Plugin Module in the Doubleclue Enterprise Management ( DCEM ). You can find the DCEM repository at
For further details, have a look at the Knowledge Board Manual
Questions and answers are always assigned to a specific category. A category can be Public or Private. Every category has its own administrators, which can manage users, questions and tags for this category. They can also block specific users from seeing a category.
All DCEM users are eligible to participate in questions and answers of public categories.
Only users who have been added as members of this category are allowed to access the questions and answers of this category.
Users can attach Tags to their questions. Tags are category specific and can be added to a category by category administrators or global Knowledge Board administrators.
Users can follow questions, categories or tags and will be notified by e-mail whenever a new answer or question is posted.
Knowledge Board comes with a search engine, which allows to search for question titles, content and tags.
You can install the solution in a DCEM on premises or as "Software As A Service" in our DoubleClue cloud.
You can download the latest release version of Knowledge Board from GitHub.
If you prefer to build a snapshot version yourself, follow these steps:
- Check out DCEM at
- Check out Knowledge Board
- Build DCEM in an IDE of your choice
- Execute Maven with clean package
- The output is a jar file in the target folder
The installation is of Knowledge Board is quick and easy. Simply copy the knowledgeboard.jar to subfolder "plugins" in your DCEM folder and restart DCEM. You would also need to acquire a license key from the Doubleclue support.
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For more information check our detailed instruction at or have a look at the DoubleClue Manual Chapter 20: DoubleClue Plugin Modules.