This plugin for Hactar takes your JavaScript, scans it for import statements and then automatically installs dependencies. It doesn't use things like Webpack loaders, it parses your JavaScript directly.
First install Hactar:
$ npm install -g hactar
Then run:
$ hactar --plugins hactar-auto-install
Go read up on Hactar for more details
Just run hactar:
$ hactar
And everything happens automatically :)
Like all Hactar plugins, this one exports a saga, an ES6 generator that looks like this:
function* saga(action, ch) {
You can use it like this:
import { saga as autoInstaller } from 'hactar-auto-install'
function* customPlugin(action, ch) {
yield autoInstaller(action, ch)
See the building a plugin docs for more examples and details
If you have a custom Hactar config file (hactar.config.js
) you can load the plugin like this:
import autoInstaller from 'hactar-auto-install'
const plugins = [ autoInstaller ]
export { plugins }
See the customization docs for more examples and details
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