Releases: Haggets/source-armature-toolkit
Release 1.1.0
Support for Blender 4.0 added.
Rigify Retarget now disabled by default and is no longer supported. You can still enable it in the preferences.
Info text now wraps based on the size of the panel :)
The code is a mess and as such, will no longer receive any updates aside from plugin breaking errors.
Release 1.0
1.0 Release! Feels good for this tool to be grown enough to be considered complete. Do contact me if you find any problem with it.
Pre-Release v0.8
The Rigify retarget has received a lot of love and it no longer requires the need for users to select presets for characters, the retargetting is now completely inperceptible. Additionally full undo/redo support has been added for every operation so there shouldn't be problems regarding RNA stuff being missing, or doing say, a create operation, going back and the plugin not allowing you to create again essentially locking you out until you reselect the armature. Constraint symmetry offset is now an option for armatures whose pairs are on slightly different locations (Like Francis' armature). And lastly, a bunch of code cleanup, namely eliminating any last remains of the Simple IK operator
Pre-Release v0.7
Faceflex support for characters imported with SourceIO has been added, as well as now being able to animate eyes in the armature with eyelids and eye textures following accordingly. also fixed generated shapekeys not being removed when the animation armature was deleted, causing duplicated of duplicates. And finally, fixed the big problem of the addon breaking on reload
Pre-Release v0.6
Code was completely rewritten and an updater was added to the addon, along with fixing a bunch of previous bugs. After this point there should be no reason to come back to the Github page since it's now updated automatically
Pre-Release v0.55
Small update to fix a few features and change a few labels. There are a few issues that i am well aware of and are listed in the Issues tab, but that i don't know how to fix just yet, so expect a fair bit of jankiness while working with it for now