Note : All Contribution's will be happen on original repo :
Contributor's Hack 2020 is a program that helps students grow with OPEN SOURCE. This initiative by HakinCodes provides you the best platform to improve your skills and abilities by contributing to vast variety of OPEN SOURCE Projects and opportunity to interact with the mentors and the Organizing Team.
GOAL: Our intention is to give shoppers of our storefront the option of an AR experience of a product with an android application. A complete virtual store which gives users the chance to experience the masks, clothing and other commodities in AR.
As of this year, Google has recently announced many more ARCore features to be made available over the web(which is currently pending public release) and Android. Having implemented ARkit and Arcore, we felt it’s time to get the word out there on the true capabilities of these features.
This is an OpenSource project and we would be happy to see new contributors. We love Pull Requests, Bug Reports, ideas, code reviews or any other kind of positive contribution.All fixes should be proposed via pull requests. Happy Contributing 😃