This project implements a reinforcement learning solution for the CartPole environment using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. PPO is a powerful on-policy algorithm that ensures stable learning by limiting policy updates with a clipping mechanism.
- Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO):
- Uses a clipping-based objective function for stable and efficient policy updates.
- Performs multiple optimization steps per collected batch.
- Custom Neural Networks:
- Includes separate actor and critic networks implemented in PyTorch.
- Incorporates dropout for regularization.
- Training and Testing:
- Train the agent to balance the pole for extended durations.
- Evaluate and visualize the agent's performance.
- Reward Visualization:
- Plots training and testing rewards across episodes.
- Checkpointing:
- Saves trained model weights for future use.
- PyTorch
- Gymnasium
- Matplotlib
- NumPy
Install requirements using:
pip install torch gymnasium matplotlib numpy
- Combines two networks:
- Actor: Predicts the probability distribution of actions.
- Critic: Estimates the value of states.
- A three-layer fully connected neural network.
- Used as the backbone for both actor and critic.
- Employs dropout for regularization.
- Clipping Objective:
- Limits the change in policy updates to ensure stability.
- Advantage Estimation:
- Guides policy updates by comparing discounted rewards to predicted values.
- Multiple Steps:
- Allows several policy updates per batch of collected trajectories.
- Training:
- Trained the agent to achieve a mean test reward exceeding the threshold of 400 within ~500 episodes.
- Visualization:
- Plots training and test rewards over episodes.
- Highlights the reward threshold.
├── # Defines the Actor-Critic architecture
├── # Defines the neural network for actor and critic
├── # Main script for training and testing
├── checkpoint/ # Directory for storing model checkpoints
├── # Project documentation
- Deploy the trained agent on a physical robot using a simulation-to-reality transfer.
This project was assigned as part of the RL Course, instructed by Professor Ausif mahmood.