This project is an implementation of Tic Tac Toe using Tkinter with an AI component that uses four uninformed search algorithms to play the game: Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), Iterative Deepening Search (IDS), and Uniform Cost Search (UCS). This project was developed as part of a college course on Intelligent Systems. You can play as X while the computer, using one of the selected algorithms, plays as O.
- Run the game by executing the
- Select an algorithm for the computer's moves by clicking one of the buttons labeled DFS, BFS, IDS, or UCS below the grid.
- Click on a cell in the grid to make your move as X. The computer will respond with its move as O based on the chosen algorithm.
- The game ends with a win or loss message once the conditions are met.
To reset the game, click the New Game button, and select a new algorithm if desired.