Now using node v5.2.0 (npm v3.3.12)
Check your node version and NPM. If it's too high or too low version, the clone might not work as expected. Use NVM.
Install this script from terminal:
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 5.2.0 # This will install the latest node
nvm use 5.2.0
to set default node version
nvm alias default 0.12.7
this will set node to version 0.12.7
npm install
bower install
gulp export
npm start
Check http://localhost:3000
or on different port
PORT=3333 npm start
# option 1
gulp # default task: will watch files and compiles js and less files
# option 2
gulp reload # start server and watch some files changes, then reload livereload and server
More gulp tasks options, for example: gulp less
- less
- less:bootstrap
- js
- js:bower_components
- js:browserify
- export
- watch
- watch:bootstrap
- watch:bower_components
- watch:browserify
- default
- reload
- reload:browser
- reload:server