This is a library management system implemented in C programming language. It allows users to manage students, authors, books, and book loans in a library setting. This project was created for the 2nd grade 1st semester structural programming course.
- Manage Students: Add, delete, edit, and view student information.
- Manage Authors: Add, delete, edit, and view author information.
- Manage Books: Add, delete, edit, and view book information. Associate books with authors.
- Manage Book Loans: Track books borrowed by students, including loan dates.
Compilation: Compile the program using a C compiler. For example:
gcc library_management.c -o library_management
Execution: Run the compiled executable:
Main Menu: Follow the prompts in the main menu to navigate through different functionalities:
- Choose options to manage students, authors, books, or book loans.
- Follow on-screen instructions to perform desired actions.
- I developed this program with DEV-C++ IDE, and I recommend you to execute this file with that IDE
This program was developed by Harun OKTAY.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.