Minimal webpack boilerplate using latest version of babel click with real time server changes ;)
|- index.js _______________________________ # Application entry
|- style.scss _____________________________ # Application style using css modules
|- paths.js ________________________________ # webpack paths needed
|- webpack.common.js _______________________ # common webpack config
|- __________________________ # development config
|- _________________________ # production config
1- Clone the boilerplate repo
git clone
2- yarn
or npm install
to install npm packages
3- start dev server using yarn start
or npm start
3- build and bundling your resources for production yarn build
4- Unit testing will watch all your changes in the test files as well as create coverage folder for you.
yarn test
- Webpack Config paths based on your file structure you can go to
and modify the source and file names based on your need. webpack/webpack.common.js
config common webpack for both dev and production environments.- webpack/ config webpack for dev environment.
config webpack for production environment./webpack.config.js
main webpack config that merge common and webpack environment based config.- Prettier config
. - Browsers list config
- Webpack 4
- Babel 7 [ transforming JSX and ES6,ES7,ES8 ]
- Jest [ Unit test]
- Eslint with airbnb config
- Prettier [ Code formatter ]
- Style & CSS Loader & SASS-loader
- CSS modules [ Isolated style based on each component ]
- Browsers list [ Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env ]
- Webpack dev serve