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File metadata and controls

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SPARK file format

0 Preface

The following documentation is reverse engineered, so information contained in here should be taken with a grain of salt (or two grains, and maybe some Habanero sauce).

Some information about the file format has been extracted from the GPS plugin

Also, see this section of the SPARK 2014 User's Guide (online version) about these files.

1 Introduction

The .spark files are in JSON format and contain information about the attempts to discharge verification conditions (VCs), the kind of proof attempted (assertion, runtime check, etc.), which provers have been tried and so on.


The json file, if it exists and is a valid JSON value, is a dict with two entries "flow" and "proof" (both entries may be absent). Each entry is mapped to a list of dictionaries.

This is about all the very specific information I could find in there and it is most definitely not complete.

2 Terminology

If the below text speaks of arrays and objects, that usually refers to JSON arrays (i.e. a list) and JSON objects (i.e. name-value pairs).

3 The File Format

Each .spark file contains a single JSON object (i.e. name-value pairs).

So far I have seen:

3.1 The spark array

Contains JSON objects where each object contains information about the Ada unit (package, subprogram, ...) being analyzed: The name of the unit, the source location sloc and the options used for the SPARK analysis in another object called spark.

As far as I figured out, this array contains a list of entities referenced in later sections, i.e. a list of all sub-units analyzed.

3.1.1 Grammar Summary

spark ::= "spark" : [ { name, sloc, spark } ]

name ::= "name" : json-string

sloc ::= "sloc" : [ { file, line } ]

file ::= "file" : json-string

line ::= "line" : json-int

3.1.2 The name object

Contains the Ada name of the subunit being analyzed.

  • Example:
"name": "Saatana.Crypto"

3.1.3 The sloc array

spark[].sloc contains JSON objects with source location info. Each element contains a file and a line object, containing the source file name (without any path) and the line within that file.

  • Example:
"sloc": [
    "file": "",
    "line": 10

As far as I have figured out, this simply points to the line where the analyzed Ada unit is declared, e.g. the line of an Ada package or subprogram declaration.

3.2 The flow array

This contains results from the data flow analysis, for each rule checked. The following objects have been seen in the wild:

Note: It seems to share the same data structure with the proof array.

3.2.1 Grammar Summary

flow ::= "flow" : [ { file, line, col, rule, severity, entity, check-tree, how-proved } ]

file ::= "file" : json-string

line ::= "line" : json-int

col ::= "col" : json-int

rule ::= "rule" : json-string # see: gnatprove --list-categories

severity ::= "severity" : json-string # info, warning, error, ...(?)

entity ::= "entity" : entity-location

entity-location ::= { name, source-location }

name ::= "name" : json-string

source-location ::= "sloc" : [ { file, line } ]

file ::= "file" : json-string

line ::= "line" : json-int

check-tree ::= "check_tree" : [ { ??? } ]

how-proved ::= "how_proved" : json-string

3.2.2 The file object

Contains the name of the file (again, without path), where the checked rule applies to.

  • Example:
"file": "saatana-crypto.adb"

3.2.3 The line object

Contains the line number, where the checked rule applies to.

  • Example:
"line": 22

3.2.4 The col object

Contains the column number, where the checked rule applies to.

  • Example:
"col": 9

3.2.5 The rule object

Contains the identifier of the rule being checked.

  • Example:

Please note that you can get a list of these rules by calling gnatprove with the switch --list-categories, so I am not going to list them here.

3.2.6 The severity object

Contains the severeness of the proof result. As far as I have figured out, info means no error, while warning and error have their usual meaning. Other values than these three can possibly occur.

  • Example:
"severity": "info"

3.2.7 The entity object

Contains the objects for name of the source file and the location within that source file of the (enclosing) compilation unit.

  • Example:
"entity": {
  "name": "Saatana.Crypto.Oadd.Add_Carry",
  "sloc": # [...]

Note: There is some name mangling going on here, Oadd (Operatoradd) is actually an user-defined operator "+". The name object

Contains the name of the entity to which the VC applies.

  • Example:
"name": "Saatana.Crypto.Oadd.Add_Carry" The sloc array

Each element contains the objects file and line containing the location of the definition of the entity.

  • Example:
"sloc": [
            "file": "saatana-crypto.adb",
            "line": 18

3.2.8 The check-tree array

I am assuming this will always be empty for a flow analysis and only be interesting in the proof part.

3.2.9 The how-proved object

Contains the way the VC was dicharged. Unsure which values this object can have. So far I encountered only flow (which makes sense in a flow analysis step).

  • Example:
"how_proved": "flow"

3.3 The proof array

Similar to the flow array this contains results from the proof, for each VC checked.

The following objects have been seen in the wild:

3.3.1 Grammar Summary

proof ::= "proof" : [ { file, line, col, rule, severity, entity, check-tree, check-file, check-line, check-col, how-proved, stats } ]

For the file, line, col, rule, severity, and entity objects see the flow array section above, they share the same grammar, it seems. check-file, check-line, and check-col are structurally identical to file, line, and col.

(Actually, I think flow and proof are virtually identical, they just use different parts of the same structure.)

check-tree ::= "check_tree" : [ { proof-attempts, transformations } ]

proof-attempts ::= { prover }

transformations ::= { ??? }

prover ::= json-string : { result, steps, time }

result ::= "result" : json-string

steps ::= "steps" : json-int

time ::= "time" : json-float

stats ::= "stats" : { prover-name { count, max-steps, time } }

prover-name ::= json-string

count ::= "count" : json-int

max-steps ::= "max_steps" : json-int

time ::= "time" : json-float

3.3.2 The check-tree array

This array contains a list of unnamed objects which are further subdivided into a proof_attempts and a transformations object. The proof-attempts object

proof-attempts contains objects which are denoted with the prover name. Weirdly, this is not expressed as a JSON array, but as an object containing an unspecified number of other JSON objects. I am assuming that each of these unnamed objects containing a proof-attempts and transformations object corresponds to a code path proven individually.

  • Example:
"proof_attempts": {
  "CVC4": { # ...
} The proof-attempts.* objects

Each object contained in the proof-attempts object contains the result of running a specific prover and the object is named after the prover.

  • Example:
"CVC4": {
  "result": "Unknown (unknown)",
  "steps": 4602537,
  "time": 1.25920000000000E+02

As far as I have seen, result will be "Valid" if the proof was successful. steps holds the number of proof steps the prover has done (what these steps mean depends on the prover used), and time is obviously the (wall clock) time the prover spent doing all this. The transformations object

GNAT CE 2020: May contain a trivial_true which seems empty. In that case, the corresponding proof_attempts object should be empty, as no prover was involved in proving this particular path. Such proof attempts are assigned to a prover object "Trivial".

3.3.3 The check-file, check-line, check-col objects

In the cases I have seen, these simply duplicate the previous entries file, line, and column, but there's more to them. From

We associate the real check location to the text of the message. The locations of the message is not always the same as the one of the check.

  • Example:
  "check_file": "saatana-crypto-phelix.adb",
  "check_line": 120,
  "check_col": 102,

3.3.4 The how-proved object

This seems to contain the string "prover" in all cases. I am assuming that these may contain different values if the VC was either proven manually, or justified.

3.3.5 The stats object

Contains, for each prover involved in a successful proof, an object with the name of the prover, and the three fields count (json-int), max-steps (json-int), and max_time (json-float).

  • Example:
"stats": {
  "CVC4": {
    "count": 4,
    "max_steps": 1,
    "max_time": 5.99999986588955E-02
  • count corresponds to the number of paths from the check-tree array where the prover could successfully proof the VC.

  • max_steps is a version of the steps reported in the proof_attempt object transformed by a set of prover specific values.

  • max-time contains the time of the path where the the prover spent its most time successfully proving it. There are minor (i.e. negligible) variations compared to the value from the corresponding proof_attempt.

3.4 The assumptions array

Contains information about the assumptions made in the proof. In other words, these were not proved themselves, these are conditions that must hold true if the proof is to be trusted. This object only contains data if gnatprove was called with the --assumptions option.

3.4.1 Grammar Summary

all-assumptions ::= "assumptions" : { [ assumptions ], claim }

assumptions ::= "assumptions" : [ predicate-info ]

claim ::= "claim" : { predicate-info }

predicate-info ::= { predicate, arg }

predicate ::= "predicate" : json-string

arg ::= "arg" : { name, sloc }

sloc ::= "sloc" : [ { file, line } ]

file ::= "file" : json-string

line ::= "line" : json-int

3.4.2 The all-assumptions array

Contains a list of assumptions and a claims objects. I am assuming that this lists all assumptions that must hold true for the claim to be true. The assumptions array

Contains predicate-info objects. The claim object

Holds a predicate-info object. The predicate-info object

predicate-info objects hold a predicate object and an arg object.

  • Example:
  "predicate": "CLAIM_POST",
  "arg": {
    "name": "Saatana.Crypto.To_Stream",
    "sloc": [
        "file": "",
        "line": 55
} The predicate object

Holds the identifier of a predicate. So far I've encountered:

  • CLAIM_POST (post condition which must hold true)
  • CLAIM_AORTE (Absence Of Run Time Errors) The arg object

Contain a name object denoting the name of the subunit concerned, and a sloc object which references the file and line of its declaration.

3.5 The timings object

Seems to contain global timings from the whole proof (i.e. summed up execution times etc.) for the different stages in the proof.

3.5.1 Grammar Summary

timings ::= { marking, globals-basic, globals-advanced, flow-analysis, codepeer-results, init-why-sections, translation-of-standard, translation-of-compilation-unit, proof, gnatwhy3.transformations.* }

marking ::= "marking" : json-float

globals-basic ::= "globals (basic)" : json-float

globals-advanced ::= "globals/properties (advanced)" : json-float

flow-analysis ::= "flow analysis" : json-float

codepeer-results ::= "codepeer results" : json-float

init-why-sections ::= "init_why_sections" : json-float

translation-of-standard ::= "translation of standard" : json-float

GNAT CE 2019: translation-of-compilation-unit ::= "translation of compilation unit" : json-float

GNAT CE 2019: proof ::= "proof" : json-float

GNAT CE 2020: gnatwhy3.transformations.* ::= "gnatwhy3.transformations.*" : json-float

3.5.2 The timings.* objects

All these objects contain a json-float designating the number of seconds spent in this stage.

Object name Description
marking ???
globals-basic The total time spent in the basic analysis of global effects.
globals-advanced The total time spent in the advanced analysis of global effects.
flow-analysis Total time spent in flow analysis.
codepeer-results Total time spent in CodePeer.
init-why-sections ???
translation-of-standard The total time spent in translating the Standard package (and possibly other standard Ada library packages) into the intermediate language representation.
translation-of-compilation-unit The total time spent in translating the analyzed unit into the intermediate language representation.
proof The total time spent in proof (i.e. absence of run-time errors and functional analysis).
gnatwhy3.transformations.* Time spent in several parts of why3. At the moment, the the exact meaning of all the fields is unclear.