== Summary ==
- Webpack is used for downgrading updated code like ES6 to ES5, so the code works properly in all browsers
Define & call module using Common JS way:
module.exports = {
name: 'Alberuni',
email: 'azad.bbc@gmail.com'
const person = require('./module1'); // Call in another file
//const person = require('express'); // This is how we can call module from NPM
Define module using ES2015 way:
export const person = {
name: 'Alberuni',
email: 'azad.bbc@gmail.com'
export const person2 = {
name: 'Zenaul',
email: 'zenaul@gmail.com'
export function sayHello(){
return `Hello ${person2.name}`;
// Call in another file
// Importing multiple modules
// import { person, person2, sayHello } from './module2';
// console.log(sayHello()); // need () for the function calling
// Import all modules of a file
import * as myallmodule from './module2'; // All modules are exported into the myallmodule alias/variable
- In one file we can export default only one module
- json-server package used to create fake REST API