For the convenience to find tools about Object Detection, I decide to upload my usual tools on github.
“” which is written to find if there is any empty ".xml" file in designative path.
"1VOC划分训练集测试集.py", for split Pascal VOC dataset to train_set and val_set.
"2生成图片与xml目录映射文档.py", for generate image_path-xml_path pair path word string and put them into a 'txt' file, it is obliged, because the need of DataLoader to read image and label to train models on follow-up.
正常从VOC转换到COCO的时候,因为自制VOC格式数据集的图片名字不一定是纯数字。 所以转换之后,image_id有可能不是纯数字,在使用cocoapi做eval的时候可能会出现错误。
- 将instances_train2017.json或者instances_val2017.json的里面所有的image_id改成仅仅包含数字的字符串
- 更改图片的名字,将名字改成"image_id” + “.jpg”,例如"12_3245_23.jpg"改成"42.jpg"(数字不一定是42,是根据该图片名称在json文件里面的记录顺序而定的)
- 因为考虑到该数据集是从VOC转换过来,除了第2点提到改.jpg图片名称外,还增加了修改VOC的Annotations文件夹里xml文件名称的功能