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Villages [Addon]

Hempfest edited this page Dec 24, 2020 · 4 revisions


This plugin is meant to either replace or add to default minecraft villages. Using players only as the entity population, group up with allied clans to form villages! There is a custom role/permission system that allows the village creator & others with permission to manage every rank feature for members within the plugin. Introducing 5 new custom crafting recipes. 5 rank positions to customize in-game. I crammed as many features as I could within the base version. If you have any suggestions feel free to head on over to the support discord and let us know!


Base: /village, /v

  • |) /village create

"Creating a village can only be done if two conditions are met. 1. You are in a clan and have rank power 2 or greater. 2. You have crafted a village alarm After both of these requirements are met you will place down the alarm and village creation will complete where you can start building up your village status."

  • |) /village leave

"When you leave as the village chief you will be denied. Otherwise you will simply leave the village."

  • |) /village disband

"Alright.. Something may have happened and its time to hang up the cloth. Respectfully return back to solidity from chief to wonderer."

  • |) /village info

"View your villages stats"

  • |) /village who

"View an inhabitants village information"

  • |) /village invite

"Invite an online player inhabitancy to your village."

  • |) /village permit <inhabitant/roleName>

"Give permission to either inhabitants or roles within the village. Players inherit permissions from their given roles."

  • |) /village take <inhabitant/roleName>

"Take permission from either inhabitants or roles within the village."

  • |) /village addbuff

"Only effective when claiming is enabled. Add up to a total of 3 buffs when requirements met. These buff(s) will activate whenever you or any village member traverses claimed land."

  • |) /village rembuff

"Remove buffs from your villages land."

  • |) /village buffs

"Check all active village buffs"

  • |) /village objectives

"Check all current objective leveling progress."

  • |) /village give

"Give a role position to an inhabitant."

  • |) /village remove

"Remove a role position from an inhabitant."

  • |) /village objective <level/clear>

"Select an objective to complete. Or clear your current active objective. All Objective progress will be saved."

  • |) /village hall

"You must complete the objective of building a hall before being able to teleport to it. Teleports you to the village hall."

  • |) /village outpost

"You must complete the objective of building an outpost before being able to teleport to it. Teleports you to the village outpost."

  • |) /village setoutpost

"Set your village outpost location."

  • |) /village sethall

"Set your village hall location."

  • |) /village accept

"Accept a village inhabitancy invitation from another clan."

  • |) /village deny

"Deny a village inhabitancy invitation from another clan."

  • |) /village pay

"Only used if your village charges inhabitants rent. Use this command to pay your daily rent. If your village also charges a late tax, every minecraft day you are not online to pay you will be taxed your villages specified tax fee. Failure to pay the rent at all will result in removal of inhabitancy from the village. All rent payments go directly to the village bank. Having trouble making a payment? Contact bank chat for a loan."

  • |) /village rent

"Adjust the village inhabitant rent amount."

  • |) /village tax

"Adjust the amount inhabitants get charged late tax if enabled."

  • |) /village bank <bal,deposit,withdraw>

"Village bank commands."

  • |) /village setmotd

"While holding a written book. This will update your villages MOTD inhabitants receive on join event or when they use the base motd command."

  • |) /village motd "View your villages motd."


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