- Apache2 webserver
- MySQL database
- python
- python-mysqldb
- Important to notice: Please run every command with 'sudo -u www-data'
- go to setup/ and run 'python db_create' with your privileged user login data OR do it manually:
- create database 'riot_os'
- add a new user 'riotam_backend' with following privileges only for 'riot_os' database (NOT GLOBAL!): SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER
- add a new user 'riotam_website' with following privileges only for 'riot_os' database (NOT GLOBAL!): SELECT
- copy setup/db_config_EXAMPLES.py and rename the copy to db_config.py
- copy config/config_EXAMPLES.py and rename the copy to config.py
- change passwords in db_config.py and config.py to the passwords you set by creating user 'riotam_backend' and 'riotam-website'
- replace USER_PRIVILEGED and PASSWORD_PRIVILEGED by your values
- go to setup/ and run 'python db_setup.py'
- update the database with running 'python db_update.py'
- to create or update a stripped version of the RIOT repository run 'python strip_riot_repo.py'
Graphics are editable with yEd
- The project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
All code files contain licensing information.