- 🤔 Exploring new web technologies and developing software solutions.
- 🎓 Graduated Computer Systems Analyst at UniFavip Wyden.
- 💼 Working as a Software engineer at LILT.
- 🌱 Learning more about Software performance and Data structures.
- 🌐 HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | TypeScript | ReactJS | Node.js
- 🛢 PostgreSQL | MySQL | MongoDB
- 🔧 Git | Markdown | Yarn | NPM | Webpack | Micro-frontends | CI/CD | Github Actions | Gitlab pipelines
- 🖥 Jest | React Testing Library | Styled-components | Tailwindcss | Next.js | Gatsby.js | Remix | Storybook
- ☁️ AWS | S3 | EC2 | CloudFront | SQS | SNS
- 📕 Clean Code | TDD | Dry | KISS | SOLID