Git alias:
log-list-long = log \
--graph \
--topo-order \
--boundary \
--decorate \
--all \
--date=iso8601-strict \
--no-abbrev-commit \
--abbrev=40 \
--pretty=format:'␟%ad␟%h␟%s␟%aN <%aE>␟%G?' | \
git name-rev --stdin --always --name-only | \
awk 'BEGIN { FS="␟"; OFS="␟"; } { $4 = substr($4, 1, 50); print $0; }' | \
column -s'␟' -t
git log-list-long
* 2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 remotes/origin/main Add feature foo Alice Adams <> N
Compare the alias git ll a.k.a. git log-list which is using:
Short date format using YYYY-MM-DD (no time, no zone)
Short hash commit format using abbreviated hexadecimal (not full hexadecimal)
Short author field using name (no email address) and signature mark
Short layout without columns
And the alias git lll a.k.a. git log-list-long which is using:
Long date format using iso8601 strict YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM
Long hash commit format using full hexadecimal displayed as name-rev
Long author field using name and email address and signature mark
Long layout with columns