Python program to generate spec files to test a single variable for Jasmine
Python 3
First, Define variables in You need to define following variables to use the program:
variable | type | default | explanations |
beforeEach | string | '' | If you need the beforeEach function, add javascript codes as a string. If not, leave it to be ''. |
afterEach | string | '' | If you need the afterEach function, add javascript codes as a string. If not, leave it to be ''. |
testClass | string | '' | The first argument of a describe function. |
functionHeaderDict | dictionary | {'default':''} | The argument of a expect function. You can define this variable for each testcase category. |
toEqualDict | dictionary | {'default':''} | The argument of a toEqual function. You can define this variable for each testcase category. |
variableName | string | '' | The name of the variable you want to test. |
included | array | [ ] | The array of testcase category names you want to include in a test. |
accepted | array | [ ] | The array of testcase category names you want to accept in a test. |
For example, with 2 testcases,
beforeEach = "email = undefined;\n console.log('new test');"
afterEach = "console.log('A test is over!');"
testClass = 'Email'
variableName = 'email'
included = ['number', 'good email']
accepted = ['good email']
functionHeaderDict = {'all':'validateEmail(email)'}
toEqualDict = {'accepted':'true', 'rejected':'false'}
These values produce the following tests:
describe('Email', function() {
var email;
beforeEach(function() {
email = undefined;
console.log('new test');
afterEach(function() {
console.log('A test is over!');
it('should reject number', function() {
email = 123456;
it('should accept good email', function() {
email = '';
Second, place, and in the same folder as SpecRunner.html in the default Jasmine file hierarchy. The program make a directory of the same name as variableName and place a spec file there. If this is a problem, rename the existing directory.
Thrid, place your test data in Each line in the file contains a category of an input and the input itself, which are separated by a comma. For example, 2 testcases for the example above are:
number, 123456
good email,
Forth, open a terminal in the directory of this program
Fifth, type "python"
Sixth, open SpecRunner.html in your browser.