This is a Python-based Telegram bot using the telethon library. The bot responds to messages using the evagpt4 reverse engeneered api from OpenGPT repo. This bot also supports plugins, roles, dan jailbreak and long term memory via vector database
Clone the repo
git clone
After that go to the cloned repo directory.
Edit the example.env file with:
API_ID is your api id from
API_HASH is your api hash from
BOT_TOKEN is your bot token from Bot Father
If you want to use WalframAlpha plugin, you will need to create an app at and set WOLFRAMALPHA_APP_ID in the example.env to the APP_ID of your Wolfram apllication.
After that, rename example.env into .env.
Install all the packages running pip install -r requirements.txt
(may change based on your python version, settings and os.)
Now run with python3
(may change based on your python version, settings and os.)
/help - see a command list
/plugins toggle - enable/disable plugins
/plugins list - list all plugins
/newrole - create a new role
/roles - list all the roles
/role - enable a role
/role disable - disable roles
/memory - enable/disable memory
/addmemory - add something to the memory without receiving AI response.
This project is using GPT4FREE