Django-Blogger is a micro blogging site powered by Django framework with full-fledged support for user authentication. Users can follow/unfollow multiple users on platform.
start playing around by getting your copy of source code by running this command in your terminal
git clone
You will need various packages to work with this project. So start by creating a virtual envioronment. Run this command in terminal in same directory where you cloned repository
python -m venv myvenv
and then to activate the environment
If using bash: . myvenv/scripts/activate
If using windows cmd : myvenv/scripts/activate.bat
If using windows powershell : myvenv/scripts/activate.ps1
Now you need to install all the packages project needs, cd into the project directory containing
file and run this command
pip install -r requirments.txt
this should install all the required packages.
To finally use this you need to makemigrations and migrate without which there will be various errors. Run these commands
python makemigrations
python migrate
python collectstatic
before running development server test if everything is working properly
python test
this will run all test, made to confirm is everything is working properly. If any of the test fails, try again from the beggining and if problem persists create an issue.
and finally you are ready to run development server by using this command
python runserver
but you still cannot login to admin page for which you need to create the admin user, use this command to create the admin user
python createsuperuser
and You are done. Enjoy
If there is any problem with any steps above, or find a problem is the project create a issue