You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 24
## Setting Up
## create an empty local mabe repository
mkdir mabe
cd mabe
git init
## ensure user information is set up
git config --list ## verify your name and email address
## otherwise, set it up, same as github account
git config user.name "your name"
git config user.email an@email.address
## get public MABE repo on to local machine
## Option A) as a public contributor (if you don't know, then do this one)
git remote add public https://github.com/Hintzelab/MABE.git
git fetch public
## Option B) as a core developer who works in the Hintzelab and has admin privileges
git remote add public git@github.com:Hintzelab/MABE.git
git fetch public
## get personal MABE or personal fork on to local machine (this can be an empty repo made on github)
git remote add personal git@github.com:YOUR_USERNAME/MABE.git
git fetch personal
## set up basic development branch
git checkout -b development --track public/development
## Contributing
## Create a feature-, hotfix-*, etc. branch
## Start on development branch
## Example new world:
git checkout -b feature-world-blockCooperation
## Example hotfix:
git checkout -b hotfix-updateWikiLink
## Create desired changes
## Commit your changes in separable chunks if possible
git add <list of files here>
git commit -m “short summary message for this chunk”
## repeat as necessary for each chunk
## Ready to push to public, but first pull in latest development changes
git checkout development # switch to dev so next command works
git pull public development # updates your local copy of public/development
git checkout YOUR-BRANCH-NAME # switch back to your branch
git merge development # bring into your branch any changes others have made
## (resolve conflicts, if any, as usual)
## repeat the above steps until there are no new changes
## Pushing your branch
## Option A) as public contributor
git push personal HEAD ## back up on personal repo if desired at any time
## got to your github MABE fork and create a new pull request, but change the comparing branch to ‘development’
## Option B) as a core developer
git push public HEAD
## go to https://github.com/Hintzelab/MABE and create a new pull request, but change the comparing branch to ‘development’
## Odds and ends
## Preserve history: When github merges branches, it uses the following command, which you should too if you perform a CLI merge
git merge --no-ff otherBranchName
## If you are in the middle of changes (uncommitted changes) but must switch to a different branch to address a different issue, you can stash your changes temporarily:
git stash save "in the middle of archivist revamp"
## now you can safely change branches, then come back to this branch later
git stash pop
## the pop command optionally accepts which stash to pop, if you have to do this multiple times concurrently. Use ‘git stash list’ to see them all.
## get back to the unmodified version of file.cpp
git checkout -- file.cpp
## unstage a staged file.cpp
git reset file.cpp
## edit last committed commit message
git commit --amend
## delete a branch
git branch -d aBranch
## rename a branch
git branch -m oldName newName
## push a branch to a specific name on the server (locally feature1, remotely feature-world-bixbee)
git push public feature1:feature-world-bixbee
## delete a remote branch (on the server), “feature-world-bixbee”
git push public :feature-world-bixbee
## adding a new library as a sub-repository
## Make sure licensing is okay :)
## Use git subtree (as opposed to submodule which would cause problems later)
## Your branch must be in a CLEAN state (no modified tracked files, nothing staged)
git subtree add --prefix=local/clone/path/from/repo/base/here/ --squash https://github.com/someuser/somerepo master
## updating a subtree sub-repository
## Your branch must be in a CLEAN state (no modified tracked files, nothing staged)
git subtree pull --prefix=local/clone/path/from/repo/base/here/ --squash https://github.com/someuser/somerepo master
## locally modifying the wiki (download the wiki through git clone; includes images)
git clone https://github.com/Hintzelab/mabe.wiki
## Only changes in the master branch will be public
## squash previous commits into one (ex: merge small stupid commits into 1 clean)
## WARNING: never do this on a branch other people may be using
git rebase -i HEAD~<number of commits to squash>
## if already on the remote, then you'll need to force it up
git push --force public HEAD
## copy some commits X..Y to another branch (ex: to separate commits by topic)
## WARNING: never do this onto a branch other people may be using
## assuming all branches should be based on development, note commit hashes for X and Y first
git checkout development
git checkout -b someNewBranch
git log # Note the commit hash of most recent commit (M)
git rebase --onto M <commit before X> <Y>
git rebase HEAD someNewBranch
MABE Parameter Widget
Installation and quick start
release notes
developer contributions
consistency testing
Using MABE
Using Settings Files
Output Files
Creating Graphs with python
MABE framework
Defining Update
Markov Brain
Neuron Gate
Wire Brain
Human Brain
ConstantValues Brain
CGP Brain
Genetic Programing Brain
Artificial Neural Networks
Brains Structure and Connectome
Circular Genome
Multi Genome
Genome Handlers
Genome Value Conversions
Lexicase Optimizer
Berry World
ComplexiPhi World
MultiThreadTemplate World
Parameters Name Space
Adding Parameters to Code
sequence function
Population Loading
Information Theory Tools
Brain States and Life Times
Entropy Functions
State to State
Brain Infomation Tools