It accepts bascalled fastq files derived from Nanopore amplicon/direct RNA sequencing, cleaned/trimmed Illumina fastq files (single-end or paired-end) or bam files produced by a splicing alignment method with a SARS-CoV-2 genome. By default, LeTRS analyses SARS-CoV-2 by using 10 known leader-TRS junctions and an NCBI reference genome (NC_045512.2), but the user can also provide customized leader-TRS junctions and SARS-CoV-2 or other coronavirus genomes as a reference.
1. Create an environment with one step
git clone
cd LeTRS
conda env create -f my_environment.yml
source activate LeTRS
2. Create an environment step by step
Third party dependencies:
All these third party tool dependencies should be exported to PATH, so that LeTRS can find them.
We suggest installing the portcullis with conda as below:
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install portcullis=1.2.2
Perl module dependencies:
R module dependencies (for plotting):
Please see the details of each parameter by:
Required parameters:
-mode "nanopore" or "illumina" of the input fastq file.
-Rtch "RNA" (direct RNA) or "cDNA" (amplicon cDNA) to indicate the sequencing library for "nanopore" mode.
-fq fastq file (the paired reads can be provide as "#1.fastq.gz:#2.fastq.gz").
-primer_bed amplicon primer bed file is required for "nanopore cDNA" and "illumina" modes.
-pool INT amplicon primer pool is required for "nanopore cDNA" and "illumina" modes, 0 indicates all pools.
Optional parameters:
-bam custom bam can also be provided if the "-fq" dosen't exist.
-ref custom SARS-CoV-2 or other coronavirus reference folder.
-extractfasta to extract the reads contain the identified leader-TRS junctions in fasta format.
-TRSLindependent to find the reads with sgmRNAs with non-canonical leaders.
-noguide this option turns off the known leader-TRS guided alignment.
-t/-thread number of threads, 1 by default.
-o output path, "./" by default.
-adjleader INT leader junction boundary tolerance, +-10 nts by default.
-adjTRS INT TRS junction boundary tolerance, -20 nts to 1 nt ahead the ATG of known orfs by default.
-poscutoff INT postion of leader end cutoff for the novel leader-TRS identification, 80 by default.
-covcutoff INT coverge cutoff for the novel leader-TRS identification, 5 reads/read pairs by default.
-ployALoc INT the position of the first A in ployA tail on the virus genome, auto detection by default.
-v/-version Print version information.
-h/-help Print help message.
1. ARTIC Nanopore sequencing data
To analyse ARTIC-Nanopore amplicon sequencing data with your chosen primer scheme. Extracts the reads containing the identified leader-TRS junctions in fasta format for pool 1 of amplicon primers (The ARTIC primer_bed can be found in the "primer_bed" folder):
perl -t 16 -extractfasta -pool 1 -Rtch cDNA -mode nanopore -fa example.fastq.gz -primer_bed path_to_primer_V3.bed -o LeTRS_output
Optional: If "-TRSLindependent" option is added, LeTRS will also identify the TRS Leader independent fusion sites in the reads for pool 1 and pool 2 of amplicon primers (The ARTIC primer_bed can be found in the "primer_bed" folder):
perl -t 16 -pool 0 -Rtch cDNA -mode nanopore -TRSLindependent -fa example.fastq.gz -primer_bed path_to_primer_V3.bed -o LeTRS_output
2. Direct RNA Nanopore sequencing data
Extracts the reads containing the identified leader-TRS junctions in fasta format:
perl -t 16 -extractfasta -Rtch RNA -mode nanopore -fq example.fastq.gz -o LeTRS_output
Optional customized leader-TRS junctions analysis: Use SARS-CoV-2 or other coronavirus genomes as a reference, and extract the reads containing the identified leader-TRS junctions in fasta format (the instruction of making a reference_folder could be found in "readme.txt" of "making_reference_folder_example" folder):
perl -t 16 -extractfasta -Rtch cDNA -mode nanopore -fq example.fastq.gz -primer_bed path_to_custom_primer.bed -o LeTRS_output -ref reference_folder
3. Illumina sequencing data
Extracts the read-pairs containing the identified leader-TRS junctions in fasta format for pool 1 and pool 2 of amplicon primers (the ARTIC primer_bed can be found in the "primer_bed" folder):
perl -t 16 -extractfasta -pool 0 -mode illumina -fq #1.fastq.gz:#2.fastq.gz -primer_bed path_to_primer_V3.bed -o LeTRS_output
LeTRS also supports single-end Illumina sequencing data:
perl -t 16 -extractfasta -pool 0 -mode illumina -fq fastq.gz -primer_bed path_to_primer_V3.bed -o LeTRS_output
Optional: To analyse customized bam file reads derived from any platform aligned by using a splicing mapping method.
perl -t 16 -extractfasta -mode illumina -bam example.bam -o LeTRS_output
The results can be found under the "results" folder in output path, with four tables:,, and
The LeTRS output table for known subgenomic mRNA in the sequencing data. "ref_leader_end" and "peak_leader_end" point to the reference position of the end of the leader and the position of the end of the leader identified in the most common reads (peak count) on the reference genome, and "ref_TRS_start" and "peak_TRS_start" refer to the reference position of the start of the TRS and the position of the start of the TRS identified in the most common reads (peak count) on the reference genome.
The LeTRS output table for details of known subgenomic mRNA in the sequencing data. "peak_leader" and "peak_TRS_start" point to the leader-TRS junctions in, "ACGAAC" indicates if there is an ACGAAC sequence in the "TRS_seq" (TRS sequences), "20_leader_seq" refers to the 20 nucleotides before the end of the leader, and "ATG_postion" and "first_orf_aa" refer to the first AUG position and translated orf of the sgmRNA.
The LeTRS output table for novel subgenomic mRNA in the sequencing data. "leader_end" and "TRS_start" refer to the position of the end of the leader and the position of the start of the TRS identified in the reads >10.
The LeTRS output table for details of novel subgenomic mRNA in the sequencing data. "peak_leader" and "peak_TRS_start" point to the leader-TRS junctions in, "ACGAAC" indicates if there is an ACGAAC sequence in the "TRS_seq" (TRS sequences), "20_leader_seq" refers to the 20 nucleotides before the end of the leader, "AUG_postion" and "first_orf_aa" refer to the first AUG position and translated orf of the sgmRNA, and "known_AUG" indicates if the first AUG position is the same as a known sgmRNA.
If "-TRSLindependent" option is added, LeTRS will also identify the TRS Leader independent fusion sites in the reads.
If the sequencing data were derived from amplicon method, the primers in the reads used for amplification of subgenomic mRNAs will be stored in this file for the amplicon primer pool selected. e.g. nCoV-2019_9_RIGHT:8 means there are 8 reads/read pairs used the primer of "nCoV-2019_9_RIGHT" (a primer name in the ARTIC primer_bed that can be found in the "primer_bed" folder) to amplify the subgenomic mRNA.
There is also a perl script that can plot a diagram for the output of
- Plotting the value in the column of "peak_count" in "" or "nb_count" in the " "-count 1" indicates the first number of each row in the column and "-count 2" indicates the second number of each row in the column, and so on.
perl -count 1 -i
- Plotting the value in the column of "peak_peak_count_ratio" in "" or "count_ratio" in the " "-count 1" indicates the first number of each row in the column and "-count 2" indicates the second number of each row in the column, and so on.
perl -ratio 1 -i
Please the see the "readme.txt" file in the "making_reference_folder_example" folder.
Xiaofeng Dong, Rebekah Penrice-Randal, Hannah Goldswain, Tessa Prince, Nadine Randle, I'ah Donovan-Banfield, Francisco J. Salguero, Julia Tree, Ecaterina Vamos, Charlotte Nelson, Jordan Clark, Yan Ryan, James P. Stewart, Malcolm G. Semple J. Kenneth Baillie, Peter J. M. Openshaw, Lance Turtle, David A. Matthews, Miles W. Carroll, Alistair C. Darby and Julian A. Hiscox. Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 known and novel subgenomic mRNAs in cell culture, animal model, and clinical samples using LeTRS, a bioinformatic tool to identify unique sequence identifiers. GigaScience 2022 DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giac045